First of all, when your posts are this long I don't read them. You need to only address the immediate issues with short, to the point, posts.
Also i know the reason you do not read the long posts, there are many questions that you can't answer, therefore using the excuse that they are too long for you to read is but an excuse not to answer the questions presented to you. i do understand your excuses though, they are questions you can't answer.
Also i am going to respond to everything you say in a post, i think that is the Godly thing to do, therefore if you do not want me to reply to EVERYTHING you say in a post, make your post smaller.
Who do you think gathers the Church? So Jesus comes down from Heaven to Gather the Church then goes back to Heaven and comes back again, which is what YOU call the second coming.
Regarding the above, just as scripture states, the Lord is going to come back and take us to the Father's house to those places that he prepared for us which are in heaven.
While we are there we will be judged at the Bema seat of Christ, not for sin, but to receive reward or loss of reward.
According to Rev.19:6-8, we will also be present at the wedding of the Lamb and will receive our fine linen, white and clean. After that and after God's wrath has been poured out, the Lord will return to the earth to end the age and according to Rev.19:14 we will follow the Lord out of heaven riding on white horses and wearing that same fine linen that we will have received previously at the wedding of the Lamb.
So, the church both dead and living will be caught up in our immortal and glorified bodies to meet the Lord in the air
and will remain in heaven during the time of God's wrath and we will then return with Christ to the earth to end the age at the end of that seven years.
At that time, the Lord will establish his millennial kingdom where we will rule with him.
The new Jerusalem dose not come down out of heaven until after the millennial kingdom and the great white throne judgment which follows.
Scripture has the new Jerusalem coming down after this current heaven and earth has passed away and when the new heaven and new earth are created.
Scriptures teach the New City Jerusalem comes down during a time when the Earth is New and the Heaven is New, the problem is you think that time is in the end of the age, AFTER the thousand years of satan bound.
Here is what God revealed to me. The 7 year Tribulation Period has a two fold reason for happening. 1) to bring the wrath of God to the Earth and 2) it is the process of creating the New Heaven and New Earth. The 7 year Tribulation Period is 7 years of mountains moving, islands disappearing, Oceans being drained, mountains sinking, deserts become lush, Tropical becomes desert. The 7 Trumpets and 7 vials are all judgements from God, but they serve a duel purpose, they are also destroying the OLD Earth and the Old Heaven. During the thousand Year Reign of Christ on Earth, satan is going to be bound, there will be no more tears, no more sinning, no more wickedness, no more temptations, no thefts, no lies. During the thousand years of the already made New Earth and New Heaven (created during the 7 year Tribulation Period) The Saints, the Father's House, Jesus Christ and the 144,000 will all be on Earth in paradise for 1,000 years until satan and his followers are released. When they are released there will be a huge battle for the Holy City. satan wants it, it is his ticket off this Earth, he gets a hold of that City, he can travel any where in the universe that he so deems, he will be free. This is the Agreement that God made with satan. That after he is bound for one day (thousand human years) That satan can take all the souls that he has gained and try to take the City, if he succeeds he will be free. Why do you think satan can't just kill all the evil when he wants to, because satan is bound to the agreements that has been set up before he was even cast out of Heaven. Who do you think let satan in the Garden of Eden to begin with, it was God.
So satan currently is trying to get as many souls as he can for the final battle, he falsely believes if he can outnumber the enemy that he can actually win and take over the city, we shall see. i can't say more about that at this time.
What i said above is what God told me, what is it to me if you do not believe God who told me these things?
††† In His Holy and Precious Name, Jesus Christ †††