No I Dont... I live on Choctaw Trl. I didn't dream at all... due to not being able to sleep last night.
He is formula fed.
His next appointment isn't till the 11th of next month, but like my post said last night, he's going through the "purple crying" phase... I read about it, and all the symptoms are here. He IS asleep now, and he doesn't cry 24/7... just cries at night when its time for bed and I was told and I read thats completely normal. I just get frustrated when nights like last night happen and ive done everything there is to do... I just have to let him cry it out and he will pass out, and he did.
But thank you for your advice, I thought he was colicky too, but my MIL said he isn't... he doesn't have the symptoms that colicky babies do... just cries when he needs burped.. or is full of gas.. and fights sleep, but that's normal in all newborns.