so the son of prediction reign for 2000 years? Not 42 months
The 42 months and the 1260 days are symbolic numbers.
Together they make a symbolic 7 times.
Notice that it never says "7 YEARS", it's saying 7 TIMES, 2 parts of 3 1/2 times.
The history of the 7 times is found in Daniel 4:4-37, 25.
The king is to be as an animal for 7 times. But it never says exactly how long the 7 times is, according to the time of men.
It is an undetermined amount by men, but a time period set by God.
It could have been 7 wks, 5 wks, 3 wks, or 200 days, it doesn't say.
The times are referred to as months and days in the Rev, to show that the woman of Rev 12, and the 2 witness are the same time period. the second 3 1/2 times, 70 ad until 1967.
And you believe son of prediction is some, not one?
Yes, In Daniel 2, see the statue of the gentile nations that rule over Israel (people) until they are restored to military control over Jerusalem.
The 4 gentile nations rule Israel for 1000's of years.
The same 4 gentile nations are paralleled in Daniel 7 as 4 beasts.
The legs/toes of iron, are also the 4th beast.
The 4th beast is given power over Israel for 3 1/2 times v 25.
But we see in the passage of Daniel 2, that Rome rules for 2000 years. From 67 BC, until Israel is restored to military control over Jerusalem, 1967.
So the rule of the iron, Roman Empire, lasts far longer than 7 years or 3 1/2 years.
The rule of Caesar over Israel has been 2000 years.
The 7 times equal the same time as shown in the statue in Daniel 2.
The first 3 1/2 times, is from Babylon until 70 AD.
The second 3 1/2 times is from 70 AD, until 1967.
Then the 7 times, the time that the gentile nations rule over Israel, is over.
you believe son of prediction reign from Rome, not Jerusalem?
Rev 17:18, The beast is a city, that the woman (false religion) sits on.
The city that ruled over the kings of Israel at that time was Rome.
The city that has 7 hills/mountains is Rome. Rev 17:9.
The Antichrist is Caesar, And the image of Caesar, for the last 1500 yrs has been the Bishop of Rome (Vatican).
you believe son of prediction only persecute Jews not Christian?
Rome attacked Israel, both natural and wild branches.
The "wrath of God", is God withdrawing His love, blessings, and protection over the natural branches, for rejecting the gospel kingdom. Then the evil comes "flooding in".
The seals/trumpets, show that the natural branches are suffering for being "cut off" from God and His blessings. Their relationship with God is shown as the events of the seals and trumpets. The things shown happen to Israel, not the whole planet, Israel is the center.
Rome and the gentile nations are seen attacking Israel, but the spiritual relationship of Israel with God is shown also in the events.