The end of the world is coming. What should we be looking for?

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Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
We are living in the end times as the end times began when Jesus rose again from the grave. That being said most of the prophesies spoke about before the return of Jesus have come to fruition. The biggest thing we should be looking for is the building of the third temple in Jerusalem.
The Bible tells us the antichrist has to confirm a covenant with Israel and ("Death and HELL"). We do not know who Death and Hell are at this time. We will

I suspect the third temple will be built during this time, since the Jewish leaders are the ones who need it built. WHY? right now there is no way for them to relieve their sins according to Moses' Law. A temple will give them that ability and they hope it will call down the Messiah from heaven and He will defeat the scourge that is upon them.


Senior Member
Dec 15, 2015
Wrath, Tribulation, and Rapture, all in full context:

21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;
21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
21:27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
21:28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
21:29 And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
21:30 When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
21:31 So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
21:32 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled.
21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and [so] that day come upon you unawares.
21:35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.
21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Thanks for the wonderful post.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
Hello kennethleehutch, We are the temple of the Lord (1 Corinthians 6:19; Acts 7:48, 17:24; and a lot more scriptures).
When the Antichrist (the abomination of desolation) stands in the place it ought not (Mark 13:14), this is not a third stone temple built in Jerusalem as many imagine, but instead is the Antichrist standing in our hearts in place of God.
Forgive me, but the above is not true. First of all, though it is true that the antichrist will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God, he himself is not the abomination, but it will be an idolatrous object that will be placed in the holy place within the literal temple. I believe that the abomination is synonymous with the image of the beast referred to in Rev.13:14-15.

And second, it is important to consider the context regarding the use of the word temple. That said, the context would infer a literal temple opposed to referring to our bodies as the temple of the Spirit. In support of this, the rest of the context refers to those in Jerusalem fleeing to the mountains of Judea when they see the abomination set up in the holy place. Also in support of this we have the prophecy of Daniel:

"He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

If you will notice in the verse above, the "He" is the antichrist and "He" is the one setting up the abomination that causes the desolation. That said, the verse does not have the antichrist setting himself up in the temple, but is setting up an object which causes the desolation.

In citing Acts 7:48 you are just misapplying scripture regarding the meaning of the word temple, forcing it to refer to the temple of our bodies opposed to the abomination being set up in the holy place within the literal temple. You also have to ask yourself the question, "If the abomination was referring to the Antichrist standing in our hearts, why would that cause all of Israel to flee out into the desert?" However, the abomination as an idolatrous object standing in the holy place within the temple for all Israel to see, that would cause them to flee out into the wilderness, which is the desolation.
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Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
I am on board with you that there is still time before the 70th week in Daniel transpire.
I am not one of those who believe the events in Daniel chapters 7 through 9 refer to a BC event, but rather refer to events still in our future.
Louis, this is good to know.... When you get down to studying the Book of Daniel, you will find that the Abomination of Desolate which happened in 167 BC was foretold by Daniel and this was what Jesus was referring to that it would happen again in future times. The key to that is the "streets and walls will be built"

Daniel is a fascinating book and actually begin the Age of the Gentiles. A hint to help you. chapters 2 through 8r are written in Aramaic depicting the events in these concern the gentiles more than the Jewish people.and Chapter 9 through 12 returns to Hebrew. Also, be advised that the chapters are not in order as they happen.

Have fun.
Oct 30, 2017
Ok, I agree with what you are saying but we are talking about the Jewish people and not believers in Christ. Therefore we are talking about an actual building of the third temple.


I am sorry you take it that way Ellsworth. I can assure you I am not...It is after all your choice.

Let me tell you why I do this. Certainly not to put a feather in my hat.

I am Pre-Millennium Pre Rapture because my hermeneutics (literally, Historically and Grammatically) has not changed from the time I started in Genesis through Revelation. The Good thing about this is, that it all fits together like a glove.

The world has many different views of itself and the denominations and other churches have different views of themselves. As Jesus used the Seven Churches of long ago to chastise or praise the local churches, he also sent it to us for the Future.

Many on this forum have 'fallen away' from the simple teaching of Jesus and have decided to include what they think He said. The only way to do that was to tell everyone, the WORD of GOD with a few exceptional scriptures, was all symbolism or illusionairy.

This is the only way, they the leaders could change the meaning to fit their lifestyles, their worldviews, their Greed, etc. and have anybody believe it.

Case in point, 90+% of denominational Churches are today preterist, who believe that God has nothing MORE to do with Israel since they gave up their inheritance in 32 AD. they also believe there will be NO (depending on full or partial status) Millennial as Jesus is ruling in SPIRIT only from What (His Fathers Throne)..oops . Where is HIS throne that Gabriel told Mary in the very first chapters of Matthew, the Jewish tax collector. Of course there are many out there that believe your works will get you to heaven and just as many believe in other religions. (Islam, Budhism, Satanism (witchcraft), etc.

Many of these churches signed a covenant (understanding) with the RCC about the correct doctrine. Big name Preachers like Billy Graham have strayed from the mainstay of Literal meaning and have come to an all inclusion type doctrine.
By all inclusion, I mean that God loves everybody regardless of what they are doing and will accept them even though they are sinning daily and/or 7-24.

I could go on, but you get the point. I teach the literal view (of which I and others are the minority in today world). I try not to dispute your word but offer a different viewpoint to which the reader has a choice.

We all have one choice (disputed by most churches) on where will our eternal souls wind up..In Hell or Heaven (By today standards,one could add into nothingness, here on earth, reincarnation, etc)

Again, I am sorry you feel that way but I will continue to put the true WORD of GOD thought the AUTHORITY of the BIBLE on this site.
My post started as a joke.
I appreciate your tone as we discuss this topic.
I agree that most churches have fallen away but I am not so sure we could say 90%.
I often wonder just how many "churches" God still recognizes as His? I am sure the number is small.
I to teach the literal view and will continue to put the Word of God through the AUTHORITY of the Bible. And yet in this fallible body we disagree. We may soon find out who is ALMOST right.
It would be good if we could set down together for about 2 weeks to study this subject.

Peace, and God bless.


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
Ah yes the end of the world is coming.

Its been coming since Adam sinned.
Even the early chruch thought it was coming in their life time.
And it’s been the same since.

No one knows when the world will end but we know it will end.

Correct me if I am wrong but a lot of what Jesus talked about in Matthew 24 had already happened before he came and is happening after he went back to the Father.

The apostles were killed, early believers were killed and hated by people and nations.
False prophets came before Jesus and after him.
We are seeing the same today.

To me the signs of the end of the world as said above started with Adam and will end when Jesus calls time.

And Jesus said

Matthew 24:13-14
13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.

Then we find in Acts on the day of Pentecost.

Acts 2:5
The Crowd's Response
5 And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven.

Then we find they went back to where they came from.
So is the prophecy in Matt above fufilled?

We can look for the sign of the times and surmise it’s looming.
Why bother. We know it’s gonna happen one day.

What should we bother about?

Being like Jesus to everyone he has given us in our lives.
Being like Jesus in our lives.

Yes, and theoretically we have been in the "END TIMEs" since Pentecost.


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
Forgive me, but the above is not true. First of all, though it is true that the antichrist will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God, he himself is not the abomination, but it will be an idolatrous object that will be placed in the holy place within the literal temple. I believe that the abomination is synonymous with the image of the beast referred to in Rev.13:14-15.

And second, it is important to consider the context regarding the use of the word temple. That said, the context would infer a literal temple opposed to referring to our bodies as the temple of the Spirit. In support of this, the rest of the context refers to those in Jerusalem fleeing to the mountains of Judea when they see the abomination set up in the holy place. Also in support of this we have the prophecy of Daniel:

"He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him."

If you will notice in the verse above, the "He" is the antichrist and "He" is the one setting up the abomination that causes the desolation. That said, the verse does not have the antichrist setting himself up in the temple, but is setting up an object which causes the desolation.

In citing Acts 7:48 you are just misapplying scripture regarding the meaning of the word temple, forcing it to refer to the temple of our bodies opposed to the abomination being set up in the holy place within the literal temple. You also have to ask yourself the question, "If the abomination was referring to the Antichrist standing in our hearts, why would that cause all of Israel to flee out into the desert?" However, the abomination as an idolatrous object standing in the holy place within the temple for all Israel to see, that would cause them to flee out into the wilderness, which is the desolation.
My friend, your statement about the AoD is where we will have to agree to disagree. In 167BC, Epiphanes placed and Idol in the Holy of Hollies. While Jesus alludes to Daniel's prediction and that it will happen again, other passages tell us that the antichrist (I believe) along with the spirit of Satan within him will stand in the Hollies of Hollies and declare themselves to be GOD.

Hey, it will probably be on CNN for everyone to see otherwise how will people know? lol.....

Have a good evening my friend.



Ellsworth1943, you ask if I would respond to post #173... I will take that #173 is in this thread.. Ok here goes.

Thanks----I must have misread some of your post because I thought you said only saints looking for Jesus coming would be raptured and those not looking would be left. Sorry bout that.
I use the word saint as the Bible does---the saved, the children of God, the elect.
I believe that the gathering of the saints, what you call the rapture of the church, takes place at the sounding of the seventh, last trump. They escape the wrath of God because it is not announced until the seventh trump has sounded. I believe that the saints will endure the great tribulation, I.E. seals and trumpets.
Many will die as many have suffered and died for Christ from the beginning. Some will endure until the end, those God chooses to bring through. I just do not see this generation of lazy, worldly saints escaping what better men that you or I did not escape.
God removed Noah before the flood and Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
But remember Daniel was rescued FROM the lion's den and the 3 Hebrew children were unharmed in the fiery furnace.
Based on my study of the Scripture, I am convinced I am correct.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
My friend, your statement about the AoD is where we will have to agree to disagree. In 167BC, Epiphanes placed and Idol in the Holy of Hollies. While Jesus alludes to Daniel's prediction and that it will happen again, other passages tell us that the antichrist (I believe) along with the spirit of Satan within him will stand in the Hollies of Hollies and declare themselves to be GOD.

Did I not include that very thing in my post? If you will reread it, I said the following:

"Forgive me, but the above is not true. First of all, though it is true that the antichrist will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God, he himself is not the abomination, but it will be an idolatrous object that will be placed in the holy place within the literal temple. I believe that the abomination is synonymous with the image of the beast referred to in Rev.13:14-15."

Since Jesus is quoting Dan.9:27 regarding the abomination, it would demonstrate that this event of the abomination being set up was still future and therefore could not be referring to the event that took place in 167 BC. And as I also pointed out in my post, Dan.9:27 has the antichrist setting up an abomination, not himself.

"he will set up an abomination that causes desolation." Therefore in order for him to set up the abomination it would infer antichrist and the abomination as being two distinct things. As I also said, the image of the beast found in Rev.13:14-15 is a description of the abomination. The word is icon, properly, a "mirror-like representation," referring to what is very close in resemblance."

The abomination being set up in the holy place within the temple is what is going to cause the desolation.
Dec 12, 2013
Thanks----I must have misread some of your post because I thought you said only saints looking for Jesus coming would be raptured and those not looking would be left. Sorry bout that.
I use the word saint as the Bible does---the saved, the children of God, the elect.
I believe that the gathering of the saints, what you call the rapture of the church, takes place at the sounding of the seventh, last trump. They escape the wrath of God because it is not announced until the seventh trump has sounded. I believe that the saints will endure the great tribulation, I.E. seals and trumpets.
Many will die as many have suffered and died for Christ from the beginning. Some will endure until the end, those God chooses to bring through. I just do not see this generation of lazy, worldly saints escaping what better men that you or I did not escape.
God removed Noah before the flood and Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
But remember Daniel was rescued FROM the lion's den and the 3 Hebrew children were unharmed in the fiery furnace.
Based on my study of the Scripture, I am convinced I am correct.
AMEN.....and publically....I will say that I totally agree and this is what I believe after being raised in a church that taught imminent return, believed it, stood dogmatically for it and have changed my mind based upon scripture, context, verbiage and too many contradictions......


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
Thanks----I must have misread some of your post because I thought you said only saints looking for Jesus coming would be raptured and those not looking would be left. Sorry bout that.
I use the word saint as the Bible does---the saved, the children of God, the elect.
I believe that the gathering of the saints, what you call the rapture of the church, takes place at the sounding of the seventh, last trump. They escape the wrath of God because it is not announced until the seventh trump has sounded. I believe that the saints will endure the great tribulation, I.E. seals and trumpets.
Many will die as many have suffered and died for Christ from the beginning. Some will endure until the end, those God chooses to bring through. I just do not see this generation of lazy, worldly saints escaping what better men that you or I did not escape.
God removed Noah before the flood and Lot before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.
But remember Daniel was rescued FROM the lion's den and the 3 Hebrew children were unharmed in the fiery furnace.
Based on my study of the Scripture, I am convinced I am correct.
I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.

What are your thoughts on Israel?


I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.

What are your thoughts on Israel?
Israel is God's chosen nation. While He has set aside for a time His dealing with them, He has never abandoned them. The man of sin will attack Israel and drive them into the wilderness ( I believe the Negev)
Where God will protect them for 1260 days. If God did not intervene, Satan would destroy them.
Satan will turn his wrath on the saints when he sees he can not touch Israel.
Jesus will return and rule from David's throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years.
Israel will accept Jesus as the Messiah only when they see Him come at the seventh trump.
I believe the great tribulation Jesus spoke of is Satan's wrath, through the man of sin, directed toward Israel, but will effect the entire world.

Best not be against Israel!!!


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2017
Forgive me, but the above is not true. First of all, though it is true that the antichrist will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God, he himself is not the abomination, but it will be an idolatrous object that will be placed in the holy place within the literal temple. I believe that the abomination is synonymous with the image of the beast referred to in Rev.13:14-15.

And second, it is important to consider the context regarding the use of the word temple. That said, the context would infer a literal temple opposed to referring to our bodies as the temple of the Spirit. In support of this, the rest of the context refers to those in Jerusalem fleeing to the mountains of Judea when they see the abomination set up in the holy place. Also in support of this we have the prophecy of Daniel:
I will address the first two claims in your latest retort.
First: If the abomination of desolation stands where he ought not (Mark 13:14), is not the Antichrist standing in the hearts of the Lords people, but instead supposedly stands in a rebuilt third stone building temple in which God dwells in; you are then contradicting the scriptures I have previously posted indicating the Lord does not dwell in stone edifices.

Claim number 2 for some kind of an idolatrous object placed within some stone building representing some object that the people of earth will worship/love for some que je nais se parquoi reason does not stand to common sense reason.


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
Israel is God's chosen nation. While He has set aside for a time His dealing with them, He has never abandoned them. The man of sin will attack Israel and drive them into the wilderness ( I believe the Negev)
Where God will protect them for 1260 days. If God did not intervene, Satan would destroy them.
Satan will turn his wrath on the saints when he sees he can not touch Israel.
Jesus will return and rule from David's throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years.
Israel will accept Jesus as the Messiah only when they see Him come at the seventh trump.
I believe the great tribulation Jesus spoke of is Satan's wrath, through the man of sin, directed toward Israel, but will effect the entire world.

Best not be against Israel!!!
I agree....somewhat,...I see what you call satan wrath and God's wrath. We are still in the same house.
You just believe in a post rapture and I a pre-Rapture.

Watch for some of the others who believe in post rapture but are against Israel. Preterist.

Have a good day, my friend.


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2016
My post started as a joke.
I appreciate your tone as we discuss this topic.
I agree that most churches have fallen away but I am not so sure we could say 90%.
I often wonder just how many "churches" God still recognizes as His? I am sure the number is small.
I to teach the literal view and will continue to put the Word of God through the AUTHORITY of the Bible. And yet in this fallible body we disagree. We may soon find out who is ALMOST right.
It would be good if we could set down together for about 2 weeks to study this subject.

Peace, and God bless.

Thanks, May you have a Blessed week ahead of you.


I agree....somewhat,...I see what you call satan wrath and God's wrath. We are still in the same house.
You just believe in a post rapture and I a pre-Rapture.

Watch for some of the others who believe in post rapture but are against Israel. Preterist.

Have a good day, my friend.
Well, they had best watch what they say or do toward God's chosen nation.


Thanks, May you have a Blessed week ahead of you.
I believe that many of us are in the same room, even though we disagree on pre-trib or post-trib , it just gets so loud sometimes we do not realize how much we have in common.
Dec 12, 2013
Israel is God's chosen nation. While He has set aside for a time His dealing with them, He has never abandoned them. The man of sin will attack Israel and drive them into the wilderness ( I believe the Negev)
Where God will protect them for 1260 days. If God did not intervene, Satan would destroy them.
Satan will turn his wrath on the saints when he sees he can not touch Israel.
Jesus will return and rule from David's throne in Jerusalem for 1000 years.
Israel will accept Jesus as the Messiah only when they see Him come at the seventh trump.
I believe the great tribulation Jesus spoke of is Satan's wrath, through the man of sin, directed toward Israel, but will effect the entire world.

Best not be against Israel!!!
I agree with this as well........