Basically there are several chemos available, all have pretty bad side effects and over time bascially run down your body. BUT it cannot be said that God hasn't used the chemo because now the tumor has shrunken so much that they basically can't see it on a scan. God has helped that chemo to just blast it out. As far as being cured, the chemo doesn't. But, the immunotherapy that dad might be given soon can lead to remission.
God is good.
Just curious, have you looked into possibly Proton therapy, it is a new type of treatment for cancer, not all types it can target, but I know Medicaid and Medicare does cover Proton therapy along with most insurance companies,
my father had very late stage of cancer and passed away just last valintines day and my brother some 15 years ago, I've been around about 2 dozen people through my life, I've seen a lot of the harsh side effects of cemo it can be quite heart wrenching to see these side effects and I'm sorry your father has cancer and I'll pray for him indeed.
science is making good progress in treating cancer, today scienctist are studying the blind mole and I hope one day the scientist can find out why the blind mole is resistant to cancer, the animal is one of a just few animals on earth with natural anti cancer fighting properties. Hopefully one day this terrible disease can be eradicated.