Hello plainword
Thank you for your polite reply, and may I use this opportunity to trash your belief totally.
Of course if that is not possible then thank you for enlightening us all.
So...if the great tribulation is past, then our Lord has been ruling from AD 70 or so, as He appears immediately after the GT.
Lets add the 1000 year reign to that, so now we at year 1070.
You say i'm ignorant of history, so then enlighten us please how history shows "the rest of the dead did not come to life UNTIL the 1000 years ended...so thats 1070 right.
Man... what a great worldwide event I missed reading about... and no one I know told me!
Dumb bunch we are huh, seeing that "the tent of God will be with MANKIND".
MANKIND is flesh and blood. NO ONE in heaven is flesh and blood but all spirit.
So now let's see the disappearing act using..."oh they went to heaven that's why it's not in history".
Once you put your foot into that, then Satan becomes a problem...but lets hear your amusing stuff first.
(The same stuff you put your foot in actually)