I agree.
Up to your first paragraph there, where you say OBEY, I have something to say. Obey to me, is the obedience of faith. I can talk a good talk, but am I in the obedience of trust/faith? If I am, will I store treasure on earth and worry about my 401k or the economy tanking? That's where I see if my mouth can cash the voucher it's made by saying I am in the obedience of trust. And if I won't have the obedience of faith regarding an earthly matter He has commanded me on, should I expect to receive any more? He who is faithful with a little will be given more but he who is not faithful with a little, even what little he has will be taken from him. An earthly matter like money and the storing of it is little compared to trusting what He has said regarding my body being raised again in perfection. Mistrust or disregard of what He has commanded regarding money, food, drink, clothing, a roof over my head, provision - this mistrust and so not doing what He said, it's what began the whole mess, isn't it?