I see this Christian site is very sensitive to criticism.
So you mean anyone who does not believe in Jesus all goes to hell including Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Atheists ..
Indeed, God the Father is unjust and not forgiving.
Creation testifies that there is a God,and of His attributes,which one of them is love,for He provided food,and the means to make clothing,and shelter,and covers the 2 greatest commandments,love God,and love people.
People that have not heard the truth,or not heard it to satisfaction,will be judged on their belief in a God,and love towards God,and people,and by their conscience for they know right from wrong,and love works no ill towards a person,therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
Islam does not show that love,and Christianity has many that does not show that love with their hypocrisy,but God said there would be many hypocrites at the end time,lukewarm,that will be rich,and increased with goods,and say they have need of nothing,but do not realize that they are wretched,miserable,blind,naked,and maimed.
God of the Holy Bible says He identifies Himself as the true God by showing the end from the beginning,which He showed the history of mankind,and said no other person,or religion,will be able to do that,which the next kingdom to come is the world split in to ten sections with a leader in each section,and the new age movement,and their involvement in it with their false interpretation of it,that will unify the religions,with a spiritual evolution interpretation of all religions.
It will be a hate crime to try to convert someone to their religion,and it will spark a war between Islam and the world,for they will not accept the unified religious system's interpretation of their religion,and will not like that it is a hate crime for them to preach their religion,which the Bible says the nations of Islam will be plucked up by the roots,nuclear weapons.
The Bible says Islam is going down,and the Palestinians that are bothering the Jews,God said He is going to put it back on the Palestinians head,and says gather the nations together,and let's go to war,which all Gentile governments will come together,including the Islam nations governments,but the people of those countries will rebel,and will be devastated with nuclear weapons.
Muhammad is a false prophet,and a mere mortal man.Islam will pay the price for all the injustices they have done on earth for many years when the world clashes against them and Allah is nowhere to be found.
If Allah is a true God then why don't the religion of Islam have control of the world,and being put down by America,and America invading them,for if Allah were a true God then nobody could prosper against him.
God of the Holy Bible says do not fight for the kingdom of God by physical force,for it is a spiritual kingdom,so the Christians are not to have physical dominion,and fight physically,but Islam can but they are decreasing in power,but how can that be if Allah is a true God that allows them to fight physically.
Jesus is Lord,and all knees will bow,and all tongues shall confess,that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father,and Jesus could beat 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Muhammad's at the same time,and if all physical matter were made in to Muhammads,Jesus could defeat them all,for what is physical matter to Jesus who is a Spirit that cannot be beat,and everything other than God is physical matter that can be disassembled by Jesus.