Candles, rosaries, statues, idols, incense, repetition of prayers, novenas, processions, patron saints, mary name a few.
Some traditions are fine, but they are wrong when they go against the Word of God.
Candles, rosaries, incense, repitition of prayers, prayers to Mary --- I'm good with.
Statues are not worshipped, but maybe they could start being weeded out --- I DO believe this is happening in the churches built now. There is no such thing as idols, I'm not sure what you mean. Novenas are not biblical, processions take the attention off Jesus and are no longer necessary in our modern world. Before they were a way for the towns people to get together an celebrate their patron saint.
That's how I feel.
I do wish some changes would be made.
I still say we should not hate our Christian brethren.