Hey DR-
This is the hardest thing to do in the body....Colossians 3.1-17 deep dives this in great detail....2 Peter 1.1-15 shows us as well.
this revelation truth has to come with a complete change in understanding....
We can start by properly understanding Romans 1-8....Those that say Paul always wrestled with his 2 natures and state this is what he was saying in Romans 7, usually and no offense, know 1 verse in Romans 6 and it is VS 23...For the ages of sin is death....One cannot read all of Romans 6 and truly gain Holy Spirit led Revelation truth and then declare Paul struggled all the time in Romans 7....to do so would contradict everything Paul wrote in Romans 6, Colossians 3, Galatians 2 and other Epistles that talk about the new man....
Many will get upset when I say this, but it has to be said....The Romans Road to salvation is bad news, not good news and takes so much of Romans out of context....anyone using Romans road to witness should cease and desist immediately...
Many need to be taught to understand that righteousness is a gift and is position....when people really come to learn what Romans 4-5 and exactly what Romans 5.17 really means it starts to remove the mind set that the new man still falls short...
We also have to teach people they are a 3 part being, spirit, mind, body/flesh and that the new man's spirit is made perfect at conversion....
This truth befuddles people and they cannot grab it, because it is nearly to good to be true...
This truth is shown very clearly in the OT, but people miss it...One cannot read Psalms and Proverbs with seeing that they are constantly all about contrasting the wicked and the righteous......old man/new man....even the Exodus illustrates this....
The sin-consciousness doctrine keeps people bound and from being an overcomer now and keeps from liberating them to be who God says they are called them to be....and do do what he destined them to do....
At its core, it places continual self improvement over kingdom advancement.....if Satan can keep your eyes on yourself and below....he knows you will never overcome and be liberated... and continue to falls for his one single trick....deception about who you are in Christ....
Many that do not understand this truth label others they see with a powerful hand of God on their Spiritual life as fake, fraudulent and self righteous, but cannot see they, themselves have bought a lie from Satan and are engaging in false humility....and are actually only self centered, not kingdom minded about their identity in Christ...and the real truth is, they are being more self-righteous than those they perceive as such, because they are blinded by the god of this world to believe the lie they always fall short and are a wretch, when the new man is anything but in his spirit....
This is why Paul said in this Col 3.1-4
Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [SUP]2 [/SUP]Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. [SUP]3 [/SUP]For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. [SUP]4 [/SUP]When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
If you teach/preach this truth the correct way, people on one side will accuse you of giving people a license to sin and people on the other side will say your preaching sinless-perfection, but this truth sets people free....
This is the hardest thing to do in the body....Colossians 3.1-17 deep dives this in great detail....2 Peter 1.1-15 shows us as well.
this revelation truth has to come with a complete change in understanding....
We can start by properly understanding Romans 1-8....Those that say Paul always wrestled with his 2 natures and state this is what he was saying in Romans 7, usually and no offense, know 1 verse in Romans 6 and it is VS 23...For the ages of sin is death....One cannot read all of Romans 6 and truly gain Holy Spirit led Revelation truth and then declare Paul struggled all the time in Romans 7....to do so would contradict everything Paul wrote in Romans 6, Colossians 3, Galatians 2 and other Epistles that talk about the new man....
Many will get upset when I say this, but it has to be said....The Romans Road to salvation is bad news, not good news and takes so much of Romans out of context....anyone using Romans road to witness should cease and desist immediately...
Many need to be taught to understand that righteousness is a gift and is position....when people really come to learn what Romans 4-5 and exactly what Romans 5.17 really means it starts to remove the mind set that the new man still falls short...
We also have to teach people they are a 3 part being, spirit, mind, body/flesh and that the new man's spirit is made perfect at conversion....
This truth befuddles people and they cannot grab it, because it is nearly to good to be true...
This truth is shown very clearly in the OT, but people miss it...One cannot read Psalms and Proverbs with seeing that they are constantly all about contrasting the wicked and the righteous......old man/new man....even the Exodus illustrates this....
The sin-consciousness doctrine keeps people bound and from being an overcomer now and keeps from liberating them to be who God says they are called them to be....and do do what he destined them to do....
At its core, it places continual self improvement over kingdom advancement.....if Satan can keep your eyes on yourself and below....he knows you will never overcome and be liberated... and continue to falls for his one single trick....deception about who you are in Christ....
Many that do not understand this truth label others they see with a powerful hand of God on their Spiritual life as fake, fraudulent and self righteous, but cannot see they, themselves have bought a lie from Satan and are engaging in false humility....and are actually only self centered, not kingdom minded about their identity in Christ...and the real truth is, they are being more self-righteous than those they perceive as such, because they are blinded by the god of this world to believe the lie they always fall short and are a wretch, when the new man is anything but in his spirit....
This is why Paul said in this Col 3.1-4
Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [SUP]2 [/SUP]Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. [SUP]3 [/SUP]For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. [SUP]4 [/SUP]When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
If you teach/preach this truth the correct way, people on one side will accuse you of giving people a license to sin and people on the other side will say your preaching sinless-perfection, but this truth sets people free....
I did a study years ago in Romans. It was a precept study and Kay Arthur taught that Paul was speaking of himself and his struggle under the law in chapter 7. 6 and 8 make no sense if we take it that he was talking about his struggle as a born again experience in chapter 7. It's the new birth that saved him from the struggle he had with the law.
So this is why I understand about there not being the two nature battle as Paul described in Romans 7.
I'll take some time and read the references you gave. I just never understood how I can make the way I believe mesh with the verses that talk about putting off the old man. My guess though is that we're being told to put off our old manner and life and not go back to it and continue on in the faith.......continue on in the new birth.......the new person you are in Christ.
Thanks for your kind response and all the references. I'll be back probably tomorrow after reading them all.