Absolutely! To believe that God elects certain people to be saved means He also elected some to hell. So God created throw away,disposable people,He created a certain number of people He doesn'tcare about. Not only that but the drug addict,the prostitute,the alcoholic that cries out to Him for help,God just tunes them out,He doesn't care,their cries go unheard,they are disposable. How can anyone know if they will be saved? How can I know if Im one of the elected or one of the doomed?! No,I dont believe that God works that way. Why send missionaries overseas? The right people will come,why preach? No. I dont believe this at all and the Bible doesn't teach it.It makes God to be a liar. "For God so loved" is a lie. No one can convince me of this God,with this nature. All who call,whosoever will,that is the God I serve.