Dar, there is another way to get photos from some source that will not allow you to copy them directly... and that is to take a screenshot of the page while you are looking at the image. The screenshot button is usually one of the extreme upper right keys on your keyboard... mine says "prt sc" which I take to mean print screen or something like that. You simply push that key, you can do it on any page, and then open the Microsoft Paint program, which you should have in your accessories if you operate anything other than a mac, and then just paste the screenshot there. You would select from the extreme left hand options, new image; it opens a blank canvas. Then you simply control V which is paste. Your whole monitor image will appear as your new image. You do need to crop it down from there to just the image. And it may not be the best quality because it is sized for monitors only, meaning it would not suffice for printing (being too pixelated), but it would be perfectly fine for sharing here with other monitors (monitors display with much less pixels per inch than actual prints do). Once you had it cropped down to just the image you could share it the way you would any other image...