I feel like when an actual atheist comes to a site like this, it should be evidence even to them of Gods existence!! If they are so convinced that there is no God then why wouldn't they just refuse to allow the thought into their heads? After all they are limited by the few days that they have on this earth, they had better not waste any of that time with foolish ideas like God. It would probably be better use of there time to be enjoying themselves somehow. I think the real reason that they come here (or any other Christian site) is because there is just something that is not complete, something that is not making sense to them and they are trying to figure that out. Romans chapter 1 says that all men know the truth about God because he has made it clear to them through his creation, but they suppress the truth with their own wickedness and worship the creation instead of the creator (paraphrase). Word to all non believers: KEEP SEEKING!! IF YOU SEEK YOU WILL FIND IF YOU OPEN YOUR HEART. I am in no way saying chickenkiller is an atheist, but I feel like he is stuck somewhere in the middle and searching. paradoxdown, I'm not convinced about you, you seem to be hurting with your mention of suicide. Try to open your mind to scripture, it is very real and has the power to heal you and to bring joy into your life.