Thank you Frank, I was taking a break due to the nature of some ongoing personal issues I have been dealing with. I have been reading posts as time allows, and was saddened to see you say that your lung function has fallen another semi percentile. I pray for you daily and continue to put your name on my prayer card at church every Sunday. These prayer cards are tended to by my pastor and his wife and other elders of the church, as well as people in my congregation and others somewhere in the States, I am not even sure where (though for some reason Texas comes to mind, though we were originally seeded from Kansas of all places ) I try to remember as many names and conditions as possible to put on my card and sometimes end off with "all my brothers and sister in Christ at Christian Chat." I wish there was more I could do. Thank you to all who likewise pray for me
Well, it's good to see you back. I was hoping that the other hadn't upset you to the point of leaving for good.
It's been a rough ride the past few months, in everything. I pray daily for all my friends on CC, I feel God is
moving daily, answering prayers, blessing His children. The only thing any of us can do is, to keep the faith that we have in Him. I know with me, it's the only thing that gets me through.
Thank you for the prayers, I know that prayer works. God is so good to all of His children, where would we be
without Him? Looking forward to you posting in this thread again, you've been missed.