Pffff what a day. My dad picks us up every week with his car because I don't have a driver's license and the kids go play there. He came in, normal as always, but he thought it was cold and trembling a bit while it was warm, bit weird. We drove to their place, he forgot to take a turn and he drives so I didn't really watch the road. I thought: I don't know this road. Guess we're driving the wrong way. Let's turn somewhere. He just kept driving. Dad don't you think we're going the wrong way? Oh. He went to a small place, had no idea where he was. Stopped the car and told me and the kids to get out now. But we're not there yet. No you go out he insisted. Why do we have to go out? said my son. He's not angry. We walked there, I had no wallet with me or nothing, called my mom. Both prayed in tongues. There he was 20 meter in front of us, outside the car, had no idea where he was. It was so weird. I had to guide him, he drove on the right side which is for when your car is broke. It was like he had a sudden outbreak of dementia, really scary how he drove. Finally it was too much for him. He stopped the car in the grass, stepped out and couldn't stand on his legs. Had to carry him in. My. Called the police. They drove the kids to grandma and the ambulance took him and me to the hospital. What's this sir? She showed a pen. A thing to put on your nose he said. I had a sudden nervous laughter outbreak. My I have never prayed so much in tongues in one day. Rebuked the dementia, my mom too at home and all of a sudden he was completely normal again. They checked everything, he had 3 awful needles in his back. They thought it was a delirium. My. I'm still shaking. My mom's there now with my brother.
Of course I should never have gotten out and called an ambulance immediately, his other daughter would have done it better since she's a doctor. So weird. I'm so used to do as I'm told that I have a hard time thinking logically myself. The guy from the hospital called. He said can I have your brother? At least he's intelligent. He didn't say that but he thought it. Oh my. What a day. 3 kids in the back, driving like that. There was real protection from God.