What are the 3 worst things you've ever eaten, PopClick?
This is question is bringing back some delightful memories.

Durian definitely makes the list. It's a weird fruit that's probably the worst idea Asia ever had. It's huge, like almost as big as a soccer ball, covered in spikes, and it tastes like something I never want to eat again.
Peanut butter oatmeal. I came up with this one. It sounded like a good idea - a compete protein, not too sweet, I like peanut butter, I like oatmeal... But it ended up so utterly disgusting that, to this day, I still wish I had thrown it out instead of eating it. And it's been years. And I do not like to waste food.
The third one, I'm having a tough time deciding. I'm coming up with some wonderful candidates, but none of them seem quite right. I've eaten a lot of weird foods.

I'm going to say black licorice, just because I think it will bug Grandpa, and I like to bug Grandpa.
What a fantastic thread! I've been wondering the following for quite awhile, and now my life shall be complete.
Poppy, I believe you've posted photos of your goldfish. I've heard that some fish or other sea creatures clean their own tanks. I'm hoping you'll be able to tell me if it would be feasible to rent fish to place in the bathtub so they can clean the algae off the shower curtain.
I tried calling a pet store to ask, but they hung up on me

I believe this is why God made Clorox.
Why can't I "like" Jilly's signature???!!!
I just looked at her Christmas egg and it's utterly fantastic!!!
P.S. Why did everyone steal your avatar?
I thought it was copyrighted...
They all decided to mess with me. I thought it was hilarious.
P.S. If it's copyrighted, I'm in a world of trouble, because I stole it off the internet.