I dealt with that a lot when I was a teenager. It is just something you have to get over. Easier said than done I know, but this is how you get the really good opportunities in life. You are going to be told no a lot of times, you need to get used to that idea if thats what bothers you. All a no means is ok, onto the next place. No need to take anything personally. You have to network and socialize to get ahead. Even if you have a really good college degree.....if you ignore networking and just apply without making contact, every single other person that does network/socialize/take initiative is ahead of you by a long shot. Even if they are not even 10% of the worker you are.
I was really nervous the first time I tried this too and even made a few embarassing faux passes but I was sick and tired of getting 20 applications and coming back home writing my fingers off filling the same stuff out over and over and over. This was back before everyone had you do it online. That and I am a picky person when it comes to shift, i was tired of hearing hey we will hire you but only if you come in at the crack of dawn.....after I already filled everything else out. I did get over it eventually so now I just go, hey manager. I want to work 4pm to 12. Is that open? No? Oh, thanks for your time. Bye bye. Next place I want to work here I come.
If you aren't being too picky. It should not take you even a full day to get hired somewhere.