Oooohkay. You are asking for too much, Kim.
And hey, I hope you know that it was my tomfoolery. I think you make wonderful threads and you always have "deep" questions to ask. You are pretty chilled out and awesome, Kim.
Ah, one of my favorite things about CC is coming here and bantering back and forth with people in the forums

, and you're one of the best around, Roh.
I hope you know I was joking as well. Thank you for the kind comments as well.
On a slightly serious note, I think sometimes the mods are seen as these Towers of Ivory Walls who walk around with inflated power (and yes, carrying ban hammers.)
My personal experience has been the opposite, which is why I'm always so glad to see mods interacting with the rest of us humble subjects

. In all seriousness, I've always found the mods here to be fair. Back in the day, I used to frequent chat just to listen the discussions some of the mods would lead.
Hmm... Maybe I can turn this into an Awards Category (I can only base this on mods and/or former mods I've had personal interactions with or used to see actively in chat):
Stillwaters, Trilogic, AlaynaJ --
The Big Brother/Big Sister Award. I'm not in chat as much as I used to be but these were some mods who could almost always be found encouraging/joking with/validating young people in the room. One of the things I used to really like about chat is that a lot of young people seemed to congregate there, and the mods in the room would ask them how their day was, etc. Essentially, it was like an "after school hangout" that gave a lot of young people a safe place to be.
A special award goes to
Bridget Left China, who encourages us ladies to think things through and keep ourselves safe in the Ladie Forum.
Merryheart, BananaPi, Oncefallen -- Most Missed Mods. Fortunately for us, Oncefallen is still here. I really enjoyed their down-to-earth interactions about their daily lives and experiences with the rest of us. I especially miss BananaPi's math jokes...
Stillwaters, HarpyEagle --
Best Displays of Humor Among the Mere Mortals of CC Award. It can be hard to catch because I know they're both busy with real life and keeping us all in line

, but these two are hilarious, and such good sports.
Speaking of which, the award for
The Best Impersonation of Mod Imitating Another Mod goes to Stillwaters, hands down. I had the incredibly good fortune one night to be in the chat room when we convinced Still to do an impersonation of Harpy Eagle, and it was SPOT ON!!! A few nights later we convinced Still to do it again on the mic while Harpy was actually in the room and Harpy's reactions (via emoji's) were priceless.
Still also gets the award for
Mod Who Can Do The Most Impressive Accents (Even if Some of Them Are Made Up... From Countries that Don't Exist.)
And a special
"Thank You for Taking the Time to Address My Concern as An Individual" goes to several mods here who have taken the time to interact with people personally regarding various issues they've come across on CC.
I'm sorry if I've forgotten a lot of people--I'm not in chat much anymore and I don't know the current crop of mods like I used to. Please know that we appreciate you and all the time you volunteer here.