See? You just need to post more so that we all remember these things about you!

(I love it when mods join in on the craziness... so much fun.

I know this is going to sound crazy but I actually believe that when the mods participate here, it might even convince some of the would-be trolls to calm down a little... Because they can see that our mods are real people who can laugh and joke and have fun just like the rest of us.
Some people troll just because they have an automatic chip on their shoulders against authority, and (I may be naive for thinking this) but I honestly believe that for some of them, if they can see the real person behind the supposed title, they might relax a little... and maybe even want to join in on the regular community.
"Old timers" like me (and I'm a newbie compared to Alayna and christicancollegegirl) probably also remember that several years ago, we had very regular groups in chat, and there actually WAS talk of a real "CC Awards" event in live chat with one of the mods as the "host" for the evening.
I never heard all the details but I think they were going to have threads with nominations and votes and everything. Although this was in the works for a bit, it was eventually scrapped because of the complexity involved and the thought that people would be hurt for not feeling included or that arguments would break out (the CC version of Kanye West crashing Taylor Swift's acceptance speech).
Threads like this are probably even better!

If anyone out there feels hurt for not being mentioned, please don't give up. Help us get to know you so that we can mention you in our nominations!!

There were several people I've wanted to mention but I'm not sure I'm at a level with them yet of being able to throw around some gentle fun without hurting their feelings, so I want to err on the side of caution.
Fortunately for me, people like Donkeyfish HAVE no feelings, and I can pick on him as much as I want.