When people say"freaking". They thought the curse word but just tried to make it sound sweeter. Irks me
See it's not necessarily the curse word that is being replaced...I'm from mass so when I use it is as an adverb like that movie was really awesome....except instead of really I use freaking awesome...if I'm going to use a curse word I'll just curse...not that it's right or good I'm just saying

...however if that word is a curse replacer couldn't you also suggest crud, crap, darn, darnit, oh my gosh, holy moley, etc are all other words that replace a more extreme "sentence enhancer" I'll call em that...
Not trying to start an argument by any means sister...I am just curious on what your thoughts are
So I don't derail I dislike when people don't know the difference between there, their, they're, or you're your or stuff like that...I'm sure they know the difference but they don't use it properly...not that I'm a grammar freak it just yea...I'm going to come out as a grammar freak so I'll leave it at that