It didnt ruin your Testimony......your testimony is not about the good you have done, but the good God has done through you and in your life....such as saving you from sin. I am sure your testimony is still fine.
Thank you Kody
Good morning beauitiful people
Goodnight my dear brother TinTin..sleep well.
Good morning Frank I love you
Praying for all of you
Hoping best of things come to you
I love you all
Your friendship is more to me than Gold
I wouldnt have it
Besides I wouldnt want to be spoiled if I could
Being a spoiled brat
Tends to make you forget gratefulness to Jesus
Jesus is my song
Love you all
If anyone is depressed PM me today
I will be in and out
But I shall crawl with you
And soar with you
We all love Jesus here
We ALL are beautiful
Good day