Donald may be on the vain side but when juxtaposed against the Bushes, the clintons the kennedys the pelosi's etc etc.... Bush's family has pretty solid connections with the Sauds and specifically with the Bin ladens. The kennedys built their wealth during prohibition. The Clintons were allegedly allowing drugs to come thru Mena airport and the body count around them is sky high and Hillary is well known for hating the little people like her secret service detail, Biden swims naked in front of his female secret service agents, Boehner is a drunk along with my "esteemed" ex senator Max Baucus. When you really think about it with a sound mind...Donald Trump may be brash but he looks like an angel compared to most of the politicians in DC. He made his wealth by being a business man....most of the dirt bags in DC got theirs on the backs of you and me and have not contributed very much, if anything, concerning the well being of our nation...except to steal our liberty and our values in the name of the new world order.
Those last three words probably shut some peoples brains off but I didn't say it...the pope did, GHW Bush did and many others who are shoving globalism and crony capitalism down our throats.