Because it's better for me to vent here, instead of on Facebook with Family Drama. (Rolls Eyes)
Dear daughter of one of my cousins. Please realize that the surprise party you planned for your mother was partially spoiled by you, and not solely by your father's cousin. She made an honest mistake, one that even I might have made, and it was because of how you wrote the invitation. See while you're posting all your frustrations out on Facebook, and making yourself just look like a bratty little snot nose kid, whose grandma would be turning over in your grave, you're also hurting several people, and misleading others by what you posted. Yes, your invitation said it was a surprise party, however that part was not included on the invitation itself, but on a little piece of paper, say about 1.5 inches tall and maybe 2 inches wide. That same piece of paper that said it was a surprise party was in a font that was very swirly, and faint color that almost bled into the paper. Not only that, said insert was not attached to the invitation, and so therefore it might not have been seen right way.
So dear child of my cousin, please think before you start berating others as you might be the one in the wrong, and well, you really don't look all that pretty with egg on your face.
Signed, A cousin who is very irritated at how your treating another relative and would really like to take the paddle and spank you and your dad for how you two are acting.