Catholic Heresy (for the record)

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Yes, we don't trust Luther who came along 1500 years later :)
Apr 24, 2015
You ought to trust Luther. He didn't sell the grace of God and neither did Jesus Christ.

You ought to google Henry Halley's Wicked Popes and read a list of the Popes' crimes.

Haven't you ever heard of Mystery Babylon. It is two pronged like a serpent's tongue in both politics and religion.

Surprise, surprise...where do we find the politics brokering power deals like are they are common merchants and God's grace is for sale.

Shame on you never tip toe around the devil reciting prayers...waiting on him to speak....because he's a big fat liar and deceiver.

You Cast him Out....The power and authority in a believer of Jesus Christ is stronger than anything in the devil's arsenal.


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
Hello, I'm not sure what you mean. Our baptism is done with water and the Holy Spirit.
LOL I will accept that you use water. But I very much doubt if you leave room for the Holy Spirit.
Jan 19, 2013
Matthew 16:19
[SUP]19 [/SUP] And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

They Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven is the loosing and binding on the Earth.

Matthew 18:1 (NKJV)
[SUP]1 [/SUP] At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying

All the Disciples were here with Jesus and Jesus here is talking with all the Disciples.

Matthew 18:18
[SUP]18 [/SUP] Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Again here we have the binding and loosing on the Earth that Jesus is now giving to All the Disciples not just to Peter.

Not only was Peter given the Keys but all the Disciples were given the Keys.
Paul when he became a Disciple was also give the Keys to bind and loose.
Keeping in mind that Jesus made a distinction in Mt 16:19 between Peter (petros, small rock) and
this rock (petra, mass of rock) because this rock is Jesus himself
(Mt 21:42; Eph 2:20-21; Ac 4:11; Ro 9:32; 1Pe 2:6) on whom the church is built.

It is the body of Christ, and no one else on earth, which
has the keys to the kingdom of heaven; i.e., the gospel, binding and loosing, in the preaching of the gospel, what has been bound in heaven and what has been loosed in heaven (Jn 3:18, 36).


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2014
No verse. I just demonstrated it with many verses


  1. St. Peter (32-67)
  2. St. Linus (67-76)
  3. St. Anacletus (Cletus) (76-88)
  4. St. Clement I (88-97)

Do you believe Pope Peter is first Pope in Rome from 37 to 67 ad?

This is what happen when Paul arrived in Rome

act 28:
[SUP]21[/SUP] And they said unto him, We neither received letters out of Judaea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came shewed or spake any harm of thee.
[SUP]22[/SUP] But we desire to hear of thee what thou thinkest: for as concerning this sect, we know that every where it is spoken against.
[SUP]23[/SUP] And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.

These verses indicate that Jews in Rome do not know about this sect/Christianity when Paul arrived.

When is Paul arrived? Act said Felix send him to Rome in his first years of his governorship. Jews history said he start his office at 52 ad

So Paul is given an escort to Caesarea of "two hundred soldiers, seventy horsemen and two hundred spearmen" (23:23) so that he reached governor Felix unharmed. Emperor Claudius had appointed this Antonius Felix governor of Judea (52-59 A.D.). The commander of the garrison, Claudius Lucias, gave an accompanying letter, a copy of which Luke may have had (23:26-30). Paul is taken under cover of night first to Antipatris. From there the journey continues to Herod's fortress in Caesarea. Five days later high priest Ananias with the lawyer Tertullus arrive to accuse Paul before Felix. In this interesting and stylish speech Paul is called "a troublemaker, stirring up riots among the Jews all over the world" and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes (24:1-8).

So if Catholic true, Peter first Pope in Rome from 32 ad, mean at the Arrival of Paul, Peter already there for 30 years.

And after teaching the gospel for 30 years in Rome, Jew doesn't no about Christianity at all?

It is lie brother, Peter is not at rome. In act on the story of Paul arrival at rome, Luke doesn't mention about Peter at all.

If you read act 28, every time Paul arrive at area where Christian exist, they greet Paul, Peter is bishop/ leader there why not come and greet, Why not provide housing. It is a custom in the book of Act, Christian provide housing for apostle.

Jan 19, 2013
Hell is a mistranslation....
there is no hell. The words are Gehenna, Sheol and Tartarus.
There is also no "atonement," "covenant" nor "gospel."
The words are katallage, diatheke, and euaggelion, respectively.

Your point?

The word aionios in Ancient Greek doesn't mean
eternal. It only means " age lasting". so the whole eternal hell doctrine is an abomination from a false prophet.

You can check Young's Literal Translation.
So "eternal" life is only temporary?


Whoever came up with eternal hell doctrine just
succeeded in deepening spiritual blindness for the whole human race.
Another FAIL. . .

It's Jesus who "succeeded in deepening spiritual blindness for the whole human race"
when he used the words "Gehenna of fire. . .which never goes out" in Mt 5:22, 18:9; Mk 9:43, 47-48;
Lk 16:24,

and also James in Jas 3:6.

Luther broke the grip of the Church but he didn't break the grip of the devil.

Tons of people are still around today believing a false eternal hell doctrine
It is those who do not believe the Scriptures given above that do believe a false doctrine.

The doctrine from hell is "There is no hell."
Last edited:


Paul was a prisoner in Rome.

i believe Peter was pope after Jesus ascended to heaven in Israel, later went to Rome and was martyred.
Pretty colors though
Jan 19, 2013
I like Catholics....I like all people.

I just don't trust their dogma. They locked everything up in Latin for 1900 years and wouldn't let people think for themselves.

But God tells us to read the scriptures and think because He uses the scriptures to build the mind of Christ in His people.
And that includes the Scriptures of Mt 5:22, 18:9; Mk 9:43, 47-48; Lk 16:24, Jas 3:6
on the fire of Gehenna which never goes out.

All believers are priests and we aren't supposed to be self abdicating our spiritual authority to other men just because they wear a garment that looks priestlike.

Catholicism's traditions are an imitation of the Old Testament Jews....they put us backwards....We are suppose to be the New Covenant man now....every child of God is a Warrior-Priest-King/Queen.
Feb 6, 2015
Cloud9, the Catholics do accept the fact there is a God but they REFUSE to accept the fact there is ONLY one God and He is Jesus Christ!
Lol!!! Your ignorance of the Catholic ceases to amaze me!! Lol!! Have you ever heard of the Nicene Creed? We Catholics recite it at every Mass,,, it goes as follows:
"I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come agian in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen."

Oh Wait....Did you happen to see the part where is says we also worship The Blessed Virgin Mary, Saints, statues, Icons, ect.? No???? Thats because we don't!! I don't care how many times you want to post this lie, but it will always be a lie! Catholics worship only the one, true God described in the Nicene Creed. We do not worship saints, statues or anything else that is an obstacle to God.

The Catholics also teach that Mary is a god by teaching she is above God in power and Authority!
If you beleive this to be true.... then prove it! Show any official Catholic Doctrine that carrys the imprimatur, Nihil Obstat, or from the Magisterium, (the teaching office of the Church) that tells us we are to worship Mary, and that she is above God. Or for that matter, the Ol'Timer valiant like to state that we Catholics do what ever our "Big Daddy" tells us to do. Well, he tried but failed as I debunked his argument back on page 213/post 2421. He thought he had knocked one out of the park posting the Encyclical Of Pope PIUS XII, September 8th, 1953 until I snagged it at the wall!! Lol!! So Kenallan,maybe you would have better luck finding somwhere out of all the Popes from St.Peter to our current Pope Francis (266 total) that any one of these Popes instructs Catholics to worship Mary, the Saints, Statues, ect.

Remember my challenge? Why is it that you, and the likes of valiant, Jackson123, MikeHenderson, wheresenoch, Elin, ect. have never manned (or woman) up to accept it? My thoughts on why? Well, because you and them have done your homework/research and come to find out that there is no such Catholic Doctrine!! And if you were to accept my challenge, you would have to admit that what you've been posting is an out-right lie! Whats sad... is that you all would rather go to your grave beleiving this lie than admitting you were wrong! Yes sad....sad indeed! Pride can be a very powerful thing.

Now I know one of you will post the same ol' pics saying...."see, this is worship" Well bub... until you can prove to me that you can read minds... thats just not gonna fly!

The Catholics do know that God is real.
Yes... you finally got something right concerning the Catholic faith.

The problem is they refuse to follow God. They know about God but instead they follow and Worship Mary as a goddess.
But then you have to go and blow it by posting this nonsence! {rolling eyes}

In closing...I'll leave ya with this bit of wisdom:

"The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it, and error is error even if every everyone believes it." ---Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen."

Pax Christi

"Fromhenceforth, all generations shall call me Blessed." ---Luke 1:48
Dec 26, 2014
too bad. others who trusted Luther, for a while, were set free from satan.

no matter who you trust, as long as you are satan's child, well,,,, what difference does it make then?

if you find someone to trust, as a stepping stone to freedom if GOD ever permits you to be free from satan's bondage,

well, keep seeking... er.... start seeking... maybe, maybe not, GOD may have mercy on you.

until then, you are dead in sin and trespasses and heresy and without hope in the world along

with all those who trust in the rcc.

Yes, we don't trust Luther who came along 1500 years later :)


Confirmed - we do recite the Nicene creed at every mass
Dec 26, 2014
p..s.. the 'ford' guy ever since he came on has only promoted the heresy. nothing he has said(if it is a he) is true,
and if by accident he posts anything resembling truth, it is , well, GOD'S DOING and not ford's....

the heresy has always been heresy, and cannot change.

the evil and the destruction and the loss of souls to the rcc heresy is incalculable and beyond description according to GOD and GOD'S WORD.
Dec 26, 2014
again, now, today, you're admitting participating in a complete abomination, admitting your total sinful nature going along with it,

but no repentance .... so no forgiveness from GOD.

Confirmed - we do recite the Nicene creed at every mass
Feb 6, 2015

Well Jack.... Don't read more than is warranted into a verse. If you follow your line of reasoning, you'll have to say no other Christians at all were in Rome, other than Paul and Luke, but we know that Rome had a large Christian community--they weren't all out of town on the same day, were they? In fact, the Bible does allude to Peter's being in Rome. Peter concludes his first epistle with a cryptic greeting from "Babylon." This was the early Church's code word for Rome. The term didn't mean the city of Babylon which figures so greatly in the Old Testament, though the code word was chosen precisely because of what ancient Babylon had done to the Jews--the Romans were doing likewise to Christians.
Why did the early Christians, in their letters, write "I'm in Babylon" instead of "I'm in Rome"? Because the authorities were hunting for them--the Church was being persecuted--and mail delivery was unreliable.You never knew when a Roman official would confiscate one of your letters. So, if you didn't want to advertise your whereabouts to the disloyal opposition, you used code words.The scriptural evidence may not convince you of Peter's presence in Rome. Fair enough. But you ought to look also at other early writings and at the archaeological evidence. (You owe it to yourself and to us Catholics to examine all the available evidence.)

Irenaeus, in Against Heresies (A.D. 190), said Matthew wrote his Gospel "while Peter and Paul were evangelizing in Rome." Dionysius of Corinith, about A.D. 170, referred to "the planting that was made by Peter and Paul at Rome."

Oh yeah Jack....what about the archaeological evidence, have you looked into that...Jack? (couldn't help myself Lol!) In the middle decades of this century scientists conducted digs under St. Peter's Basilica to verify or disprove the tradition that the church had been constructed over Peter's tomb. And what do you think they found? That's right: the tomb. Pope Paul VI was able to announce that conclusive proof had been discovered--for instance, neighboring crypts on which were written grafitti such as, "Buried near Peter." For a popular account of the excavations, you should read John Evangelist Walsh's The Bones of St. Peter.

Pax Christi

"From henceforth, all generations shall call me Blessed." ----Luke 1:48

When was the last time you've done so?

Feb 6, 2015
p..s.. the 'ford' guy ever since he came on has only promoted the heresy. nothing he has said(if it is a he) is true,
and if by accident he posts anything resembling truth, it is , well, GOD'S DOING and not ford's....

the heresy has always been heresy, and cannot change.

the evil and the destruction and the loss of souls to the rcc heresy is incalculable and beyond description according to GOD and GOD'S WORD.

As you know Jeffery, I don't respond to your posts, but this time I just can't help myself. So here it is.


Pax Christi

"From henceforth, all generations shall call me Blessed." ---Luke 1:48

When was the last time you obeyed Scripture and done so?
Feb 6, 2015
again, now, today, you're admitting participating in a complete abomination, admitting your total sinful nature going along with it.
Originally Posted by mattp0625
Confirmed - we do recite the Nicene creed at every mass

but no repentance .... so no forgiveness from GOD.

Oh no matt..... you are a bad...bad Catholic!!! Lol!

Sorry Jeffery..... you are on such a roll, I just couldn't help mysef...again! Lol!

Pax Christi

"From henceforth, all generations shall call me blessed." ---Luke 1:48


Senior Member
Feb 6, 2014
Paul was a prisoner in Rome.

i believe Peter was pope after Jesus ascended to heaven in Israel, later went to Rome and was martyred.
Pretty colors though

show me in the bible Peter went to Rome brother and when it happen?

In his letter to Rome Paul mention more then 20 elder, Peter is Pope/leader in Rome, why Paul not mention his name at all?
Dec 26, 2014
would it have been "BETTER" for JESUS if those who sought to crucify HIM had just left HIM alone instead ?


JESUS and we who are in JESUS are here to do YAHWEH'S WILL, even unto death.


includes destroying (as YAHWEH PERMITS) the works of the rcc (death in souls),


providing the WORD of GOD avenue of LIFE in JESUS for those who YAHWEH has mercy on,


can include catholics if they are willing (to be saved from the wickedness and immorality and deception

of the rcc) ... if they are not willing to be saved, they won't be. this includes you(pl. , reader).
Dec 26, 2014
show me in the bible Peter went to Rome brother and when it happen?

In his letter to Rome Paul mention more then 20 elder, Peter is Pope/leader in Rome, why Paul not mention his name at all?
they have 'plenty' of fraudulent documents and hearsay and demonic traditiions to prove all that they

say as if anything or any part of it was right, which of course nothing in the rcc is alive or true;

but they cannot humanly be convinced of the truth,

as they have chosen to love darkness and pursue it with all they have,

under the guidance of the unholy demons inhabiting the rcc and almost all of its members.