This is too important for me to leave just yet. One of the truisms I still live by was made by a Lebanese poet....
"Do not say, 'I have found THE truth, rather say, "I have found A truth." This even applies to Jesus. Although, beyond the shadow of a doubt, He is THE truth, none of us can truthfully say we know all the truth of Him and His ways and teaching, and how He related to people and to God.
Another comes from Abraham Lincoln: "I don't think I like that man over there, I think I will go over and get to know him." This is literally loaded with wisdom and truth straight from many parts of the Bible.
I have often said, "Don't just parrot Bible verses at me..... this shows me nothing of your heart." I feel that if you cannot take God's word into yourself, and breathe it back out in your own esoteric words, and in your daily living, then you may have done little more than just learned some words on a page.