A new worker came today to work with us. She's been behaving too liberal towards me - and she barely knows me 8 hours! And at the end of the day there was a fight - I simply exploded!
You know when you immediately know that you wont get along with a certain person...
She first acted just inappropriate and vulgar... I tried to ignore it and brush it off. Then at the end of the day she made a joke about fasting and God and picked on me in a cynical way (because it's Great Friday today according to my country's calendar). She's 50 but I just lost control there and put her in her place... What an inappropriate way to behave! Nastiest behavior I've seen at a workplace, and she's just came to work today first day! She can be 1000 years old, I dont care. I wont suffer cynical jokes about God from anyone! Whew she raised my blood pressure to the stars! Had to rant this away to be able to calm down.
I know you are not going to want to hear this right now with the heat of battle still steaming.....But you need to pray for this woman. She obviously doesn't know God and we as Christians can't be tempted by the Devil to give into outbursts of anger....I know we want to and we want to defend God, but God tells us that vengeance is His.
We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Turn the other cheek and all that....Remember the mocking Jesus took for us. This is one of the most hard things to do, but you don't want to give this woman ammunition to use against you or God saying to who ever will listen.......Well that Christian lady isn't that cause she got angry.
A soft answer turns away wrath....Believe me there are so many heads I might like to rip off, but I keep hearing God say pray for them no one else is. We are connected to the greatest power source our Heavenly Father and He would empty heaven of all His angels to come and help us than for us to fall to a temptation and sin ourselves.
We love and care about you SoulWeaver and I am so sorry this new worker pushed the wrong buttons, but like you said this is just her first day and how will you deal with her in the future? You know what I think Rehbein may have the right idea make this woman some cookies.
Dear Dad
Please be with our sweet sister and help her be able to cope with this annoying woman who just started at her place of work. Father this woman doesn't know You and who knows but that You put them together for SoulWeaver to love her to a knowledge of You and to accept You as her Savior. Soften this woman's heart, send angels to fight off the evil angels that are causing disruption. Strengthen our sister to be able to do battle for this woman I pray in Jesus Name Amen.