The right word is pursue.. That's a positive word and something men should do if God puts that woman in front of him like Boaz and Ruth. A woman pursuing a man always leads to disaster one way or another and in staying on topic, let the man go if he wants gone.
Not a personal attack but: Boaz and Ruth? Yeah here's how that one played out:
Mama in law says to Ruth: I need to find you someone to provide for you. Boaz is a relative and he's let you glean in his fields all through harvest. Tonight he'll be out threshing the grain. Wait until he goes to bed at the threshing floor, then sneak up and crawl in at the foot of his bed.
So Boaz wakes up in the middle of the night with this young woman in his bed and she basically asks him to propose to her because it is his duty. And he agrees to arrange the necessary legal stuff to marry her.
Yeah, that's really a great example of the man pursuing the woman. (Do I need my sarcasm sign here?)
Actually come to think of it, though there are verses that talk about a man's volition in choosing a wife and selecting her and whatnot, I can't think of any good Bible story examples of where that happened. Maybe Jacob working for 7 years for Rachel (well 14 after he got duped), that might make a woman feel valued. Ok guys, if you want to pursue me you have to work for my dad for 7 years before you can marry me

I'm committed to this whole biblical relationships thing no matter how crazy it seems.
Yep I need to get a life instead of making posts like these.