That's not being obedient to God though it sounds religious. It's also why so many Christians become senior singles. "...and God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it.'" Gensis 1:28.
Are you being "fruitful and multiplying?"
whoa whoa whoa now..
You can't just go out all willy nilly and multiplying.. you HAVE to wait on God to put the right people in your life..
if you are a woman, you wait on God for the right man to find you.
if you are a man you wait on God for the right woman to be placed in front of you.
I didn't wait.. God was taking too long in my opinion... but then again, I Wasn't living for Him in the right way, I wasn't ready for marriage and I wasn't surrendered to Him.. so how could I complain..
nonetheless I wanted to get married and I chose the first man that came along when I was about 23 ... I thought I was an old maid, and I actually did chase that one..
we got married and 6 months later he left me cause he thought he was gay.. And then he ended up dying at age 26...after we had divorced..later at age 27 , I then AGAIN didn't wait on God.. and though I didn't chase the next husband.. I let him chase me and just because he was good looking and loved my son (that I had had through a relationship that ended shortly before)
I let him in my life.. HE drank, did drugs.. but I didn't look past that he wanted me...and wanted my son who had been abandoned by his bio dad... so...Though there may have been some good times.. it was really a bad marriage.. 4 kids later and 18 years.. he left for a younger woman when I was age 45.
I am now 55 years old and single..
I look back and honestly!! Wish I had waited on God instead of taking matters into my own hands with a few Ishmael relationships..
the worst that might have happened is that I was still single at my age now without having gone through the awful things that my sons and I have been put through... without my sons having these generational curses from their father etc... and my choices... etc....
the best that might happen is that maybe I would have "found the one that my heart loves" and be with him to this day..with stable children and in a stable marriage.. and finally having experienced a life with someone who loved God..
So... this young lady waiting on GOD is what we should ALL be doing..
IT isn't religious and it isn't disobedient and in fact, ... the bible says "WAIT ON GOD" several places..
NOT waiting on God is why so many christians are senior singles and divorced!