I made sphagetti for my family - husband, son, and grandkids. Since I gave up eating meat, I did not eat it. But I did have a bit of the pasta.
I've spent the evening with my grandchildren and I am loving it. Nothing better than ages 4 months to 3 years old. I even got to spend time with the grandchildren at home on Skype, and the ones here talked to their cousins.
Being a grandma is my biggest and most important job these days. Especially praying for them and with them. I was wondering what possible influence I could have that would override my son and his wife's secular humanism, since they see their kids every day.
Then I remembered my grandmother who prayed for me, and told me the gospel, in spite of my secular humanist parents. It gave me great hope to know that I can pray for my grandchildren, and God can save them, just as he saved me against all odds!