welcome to the site, isolated.
i'm sorry you're feeling this way. 
are you certain all the churches in your area are in apostasy?
i mean, no church is perfect, because they're filled with people. 
but because GOD is faithful, my guess is perhaps you haven't been to all of them?
i have trouble getting out, too, but i'm blessed to worship online those weeks,
and have friends who will come to visit and read the Bible and pray with me.
would that be a possibility for you? just spitballing here....
When it comes to false teaching, I came out of that after 30 years. I don't want to go back to that just for the sake of not being lonely. Some times being right means loneliness and not fitting in with the crowd even if that means the church buildings where I live.
Where I live they are in to the name it and claim it. I will clarify. They want houses, cars, money, wealth and fully believe if you don't have all those things you must be doing something wrong. I was involved in that church scene for 30 years.
One day my eyes were opened to the false teachings. I came across some people that were tortured for Christ. They had nothing and yet they were happy with just Jesus. Their belongings had been stripped away and they were thrown into prison for believing in Jesus Christ. These people were never mentioned in the false churches I had supported all those 30 years.
It opened my eyes to the truth.
Where I live if you are not able to tithe and give offerings you are excommunicated for their are deep into the health, wealth prosperity gospel.
So I became further isolated.
I do listen to true gospel messages from these same Christians who were ransomed out of prison. Chinese Christians, Muslims converted to Christ Jesus, etc...........
Anyway it is for those reasons I have come to sign up on this site.