Are you doing games on a five year lag like this guy?
If I get time to play them at all any more...
I'd rather go out to the sportsmans club and shoot a musket, or go outside and enjoy the sunlight. Or work, I do a lot of that, and I read a lot about it at home so I can keep my career on track (or so I pray the case will be).
I have a copy of far cry 4 sitting on the shelf right now... it's unopened. I bought it with best buy rewards that were going to expire.
What I'm really looking forward to, is going back and getting one of my 486 boxes up running, and my Pentium Box with the Voodoo 1 and the DB50XG midi synth. Play some point and click adventure games and old school FPS games.
And my Pentium III with the Rare Voodoo3 3000 with 3500 clocks (compaq was the only one who made these). I have a pair of voodoo 2's in SLI, but they don't do the same high res. I could play some system shock 2 on that bad boy.
Once a computer guy, always a computer guy.