I'll attempt to get some outside help. But last year every time I tried, it was like, you had to write a 5,000 word essay to get 500 dollars. I don't have that sort of time, and statistically speaking, a lot of these things are pure chance. Though since I'm staying in state, there is one scholarship I could do that could possibly go a long way for me. But I'm not completely sure. And as far as grants go, I'm not sure there's any grants I could take advantage of regarding my major (ex. If I were to go into teaching I can apply for a teach grant). But I do believe the borrower is slave to the lender. I despise it like you wouldn't believe. At the same time, though, with the career path I'm choosing it might not take that long to pay off my debts. It's all a large gamble and nothing is absolute right now in terms of my situation.