I just have to say that I'm really thankful for a God who helps us carry our burdens, and in a sense takes the weight of them away. I have really felt convicted in the past about being a selfish person. I just feel like a lot of what I do--habits I have, thoughts I think, etc.--is really self-serving. Over the past couple of weeks God has given me a lot of opportunities to lay myself down in a sense, and it has really humbled me. One thing I appreciate a lot is when people in my life will take time to help me out in some way, so I feel really grateful to God when He will use me in another person's life because I feel like the wrong person for the job (and in a lot of ways, I am in and of myself).
I know that I quote Matt Chandler way too often (I almost wish I didn't because I named my username after him and it makes me sound obsessed haha). But one phrase that I've had in my head for awhile now related to being unselfish is "ringing out your life" for the glory of God and the good of those around you. In the context of marriage, he talks about the man "ringing out his life" for his family. Every time I heard that, I ached to be that kind of man, but then thought "How am I going to get there when so much of the way I live my life seems to be for myself?" I have to say, though, that I have consistently found myself exhausted at the end of the day over these past couple of weeks. This week especially I feel like every single day has been "rung out" as I've gone to work, gone to class, and had some opportunity to help meet a need, even in a small way. And I get home around 10pm and wish I had 12 hours to sleep haha. But I just praise God for the way that He has given me a more selfless and generous attitude than normal lately and has shown me the joy that exists in that. I hope it can keep up like this for a little while.