Yeah, and boards are fickle, you dont know what you will run into until you get a feel for the place, like the regulars (verses the passer byers) or the moderation, will it be overkill (strangulation)? Or will it be so loose the nutjobs just drive you away.
On a happier note, so far so good here especially as it compares to other forums in general.
In spects to guests I was one for a little while
I knew JesusIsTheChrist come here as he told me he did and he had given me a link to a thread (here) that he was on, and I gave it a quick look over and decided against it. So he come here before I did, I will sort of stand back and sniff around for awhile I guess (I dont always immediately like new places). But then me and him had a tiff and I was dead set on not following him here. I was at Carm and detesting the place as I have never liked it there (it was like last resort) . So I was really hunting for some forums (I have my list, and the options are growing so small). I ended up bumping into InSpirit after not seeing him around for several months, and asked him, where should we go? I gave him the choice to chose the forum, because I couldnt decide, nothing was really saying, "come here"!, and he didnt know this was the forum I didnt want to come to, it was just added to the very bottom of the list. Anyhow, InSpirit went ahead and joined first. And I was like, oh great... but back then I'd come over to see what JesusIsTheChrist was posting on as I do typically wherever he might be (when I can find him) and I found his post where he spoke about his taking a seasonal break, and I thought, "alrighty then, that will work just fine for me" LOL
So I joined after InSpirit did but I had no former intention of ever signing up.
But I was reading here every evening just about. I would just google his name and this board and was one of the invisible traffic persons combing through his stuff.
I like it here so far