The first post I wrote just now (and promptly deleted after a change of heart) complained bitterly about the passivity of men in the Christian community. I had written a similar post a few years ago regarding single men and their lacklustre approach towards single women, leaning heavily on my own frustrating experiences with men who always admired from afar but were too chicken to actually approach me. I'm not gonna be easy... and no woman who is worth it is gonna be easy for you, stallion.
In my experience beautiful Christ-centred women (I know many!) are sitting there waiting for a Christ-centred man to approach them, to make a move, to be a leader, to fight... and yet there they sit waiting and waiting and the men don't come. Why is this happening? Where are you guys?
Women still want men to lead them. This means being an initiator of the relationship. Don't give us that "it's the 21st Century" spiel. WE. WANT. YOU. TO. LEAD.
Men are not preparing themselves to be the men they should be. That means morally, financially, spiritually and relationally.
The key words here are apathy and cowardice. Does this sound like you or somebody you know?
Lastly, this life is a journey. Take a risk, trust in God, surround yourself with other Christians and meet single women, befriend us and don't be afraid of us! If you want to be loved then you must first love. Ask yourself this: If you believe God has already met you in the depths of your soul then what have you got to lose? Open your hearts, gents. We are waiting for you and we love you!