I'm not trying to disprove a metaphysical God's existence - I can't. There is no way to do that. That is the point I'm trying unsuccessfully to get across to you; God cannot be disproved. How can anybody disprove something that can't be seen, heard, smelled, touched, tasted, tested, observed or experimented with? It's an impossible ask. It's like me asking you to disprove the existence of quatzelcoatl or Shiva. It's no possible.
That said, there's also no way to prove his existence either.
These responses aren't about me trying to disprove God by scientific means, I wouldn't even attempt it, because it's silly. My responses are about letting the OP know that trying to convince her of evolution's scientific validity is pointless if her beliefs are such that scientific logic is her enemy. She, much like you, can't be convinced no-matter how compelling the evidence. You both have perspectives that render scientifically logical thought burdensome and suspicious to you.
You view evolution and Christian faith as mutually exclusive and incompatible.