Nobody made me...... I evolved from snowflakes
The snowman is a human creation. We are the creator of the snowman. Now, you're argument is basically that 'if a snowman can't come about without a creator, then neither can anything else'. This, obviously presents some problems for a counter-argument, when the nature of such an argument is considered. If I were to say 'but we didn't create grass; grass came about by itself', you would simply answer 'God created grass!', and if I were to say 'we didn't create water; water came about by itself', you would simply say 'God created water'. Thus answering this argument by talking about any object that you yourself can readily observe is futile, not because of any factual, logical error in my argument, but because the nature of your present perspective means that any such argument on my part is met by absolute conviction in your view, regardless of the erroneous logic of such a view.
You believe so staunchly several things about the world that are difficult to overcome with logical argument. Such as:
1. That God (a metaphysical being) transcends all physical reality. This makes argument against your idea of intelligent design futile because scientifically, naturally and physically, God as a metaphysical force exerting physical power upon the natural world, cannot be readily observed, tested, verified or tangibly studied, and observation, testing, verifiability and tangible reality are the bases for logical reasoning. Thus, your counter argument will always be 'but God can do
anything. You don't limit your argument to the confines of observable, testable reality thus it really doesn't matter what someone comes up with; you can say
anything back, such is the nature of metaphysical belief.
2. That logical thought is untrustworthy, and you must defer from it. This means that any logic I might present, no-matter how compelling, will be met with denial, fear, aversion and a strong sense that I am in some way trying to manipulate you. It will also be met with guilt for considering it and thinking about it, as my arguments for the validity of evolution will in your view be 'against God'. In fact, the more compelling the argument I make, the more guilt and aversion you will feel to it.
3. That evolution is a theory that contradicts, or is against, God, the bible, Christianity and anything you consider to have value for your soul. This is a misconception. Science is the body of knowledge relating to, and the study of, the physical and natural world, furthered by observation and experimentation. Metaphysics aren't science's department, and it's purpose is simply to explain the world we live in with theories based upon verifiable and testable fact. No real scientist will ever say 'science disproves God', because science itself, by its very nature (being study of the
natural, physical world) is not metaphysical at all.
Lastly I would like to focus on the idea that the snowman
has to be created. Let's consider the nature of probability. The laws of probability would say that the more complex a thing, the less likely it is to have come about; the more factors in play, the more various outcomes there can be, thus the less likely it is that a particular outcome is realised, but these laws are often applied inside finite circumstances. Increase the playground exponentially, however, and it becomes apparent that in the infinite physical universe, all physical occurrences can and do happen. Infinite physical universe means infinite physical possibility means infinite occurrences of infinite physical things. Earth is a small place, but somewhere among the infinite universe, a snowman
has come about by itself.