When you say to someone "I have a prayer request," tell them, and then they try to tell you what you're doing is wrong. I know it's wrong, that's why I need the prayer. And I didn't ask for a judgment call.
Jokingly, a la Steve Hawkins, when someone has sweaty hands or squeezey hands while in a prayer circle. I get so distracted.
"God made dirt, dirt don't hurt." Yeah it does, He had someone throw dirt in water to make it sour and cause stomache swelling.
And God made animals and they make poop, and you don't hear anything bout that.
That creaky noise a pew makes EVERY time you move.
That one kid who can't sing is always right in front of the mic at the Christmas play. It's cute, but dang.
Drummers who play way too loud in service. Also very distracting.
Is it bad that I don't like shoutie preachers as much? They kinda freak me out.