Sis, your sign-on name sets the mood for how you'll feel future tense as well until you drop it.
He never turns away from us - but we turn our interests on things on earth.
Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
When we do that - we begin to get farther from being able to feel, hear and experience His Presence.
He didn't back off - we do. Same as if I were to back away further from someone that's trying to talk to me.
Or if I'm not paying attention to them but have my eyes on something else.
We slowly drift into those other things and when we decide to come back - it may take our concentration and the same amount of time to get back to where we were in our heart-travels.... but He hasn't moved -- we have.
Have confidence that He's not gone - He's just waiting. There's things we put before our eyes and desire in our hearts that take His place after a while. The drifting is so slow, that sometimes we don't even realize that the tide or river has moved us from where we needed to be. We do it ourselves - but think that we can have both these worldly worries, interests, etc and that it won't effect our closeness to Him - but they do, if you know what's written about the love of this world and the things in it. They replace the time spent with thoughts of The One that Loves us Best and wants to speak to our hearts regularly and not just once in a while.
Take the time to row your heart's boat back to Him. He never left you - you've just rowed to far away to hear, while looking around at the scenery of this world and what else it has to offer.
He's waiting for you -- keep on rowing, please. Thank you & bless you in Christ.