The "reformers" ( who were protestants - who were "protesting" Catholicism ) were once part of Catholicism, and "came out" from it - or, "split off" of it - to start their own version of a church
which was still part Catholicism - thereby continuing error at least in part. All of the protestants came out of Catholicism. That is why they are called protestants - because, they "protested" Catholicism. But, they also "carried with them" parts of Catholicism ( because that is what they knew ) - a lot of which was / is in error, biblically.
What many people don't realize or understand is that - since well before Catholicism ever existed, there have always been ( since the personal ministry of Christ ) Christians
who were never protestants -
even to this day.
These [ true, original ] Christians were the ones that the "Holy Roman Empire" ( the original name of the modern "Roman Catholic Church" ) persecuted for centuries -- because they would not "join" Catholicism, and thus were considered enemies of the Catholic Church.
I used the words 'true' and 'original' in the statement above to indicate that those Christians who were persecuted by the Catholic Church were in fact the true original Christians from the Church that Christ Himself started. Believe it or not --
Catholicism was / is not that true, original Church. Rather, it was / is actually the "mortal enemy" of that true, original church.
And, [ true ] history shows very clearly that this is the case. Only, [ the hierarchy / upper-echelon of ] the Catholic Church would like for you to believe differently.
This is not "hate speech" --- it is "the God's honest truth" -- the ugly truth that Satan does not want Catholic people to understand.
The 'dark ages' was not about the [ true, original ] Christian Church "behaving badly" ( as most societies in the world have been led to believe today ) --- it was about the [ true, original ] Christian Church being severely persecuted by a man-established entity which - from a world society view of history - managed to 'usurp' - in 'identification' terms - the position / standing / etc. - as being the Church that Christ started ( which is false ).
The Catholic people are being lied to by the Catholic hierarchy. The true nature of the history of the Catholic Church
is everything but Christian.
And that is the reason for this thread...