In my morning Hebrew study of the New Testament I was reading about being "under the law." In Hebrew it does say "under" but it also has the word "mishtar" following, which means rule, authority, government and more.
With the above in mind, those who choose to obey the wisdom of the law may declare in all truth they are free of the rule, the authority, the government etc. of the law because they live free of the law in the grace given by Jesus Christ. This by no means is saying the law is bad for the law is holy, and our faith establishes the law,
There for we abide by the laws according the Example of Jesus Christ, which I hav posted many times (Elin), but we are free of its authority, governement, rule. We do this out of respect of God's wisdome and authority. In this latter sense we are all under the authority, rule, government of God. When our Father tells us to be good, and actually gives us the ho-wo manual, I think it is holy and good to obey Him, right? This in no manner takes away from the grace given us each when we falter.
Peace, love and all blessings to all who believe Jesus Christ, and may God's light reach all who do not yet believe Him, amen.
None of the above is intended for those who believer they are already perfect.