PSALM 14:1
The fool*believes*there is no God in his heart, they are corrupt.
The bible tells it like it is. Like a corrupt hard drive, so the mind, but
created by a God, driven away from him by their own will.
In the beginning there was chaos, but God took that chaos, confusion, and made*
order in everything.
The*atheist*has questions,
The believer has faith.
We draw closer to him, when we see his wonders, and thank him for all he has created. There is an answer to every question, in Science, because the fact is
there is order in it, and in everything, that has been created by our God.
We've been given a mind, that is creative, but also objective to the things that are not understood, because they are supernatural.
I thank him, because he has made us in his image, a healthy mind, will be*inquisitive*,not intrusive of how things perform, and it is given to us, the ability to be wanting to give, from ourselves, contribute to society, and the world, in*studying, learning, and finding answers.
Science is just a name, of many compartments in it, Chemistry, Physics,*Astronomy, many others, it is God's signature.
To those who believe in him, we find, order,*
to those who don't believe in him,
find a big black hole, an empty space, void of faith, that makes the world look
the same,
it's no longer, mind over matter,*
it's arrogance over pride,*
some just have not found that these things
are just the same, and trying to go to the next realm, which is missing the step of faith, and falling, into foolishness.
(Pride cometh before a fall.)
bible verse.
The fool*believes*there is no God in his heart, they are corrupt.
The bible tells it like it is. Like a corrupt hard drive, so the mind, but
created by a God, driven away from him by their own will.
In the beginning there was chaos, but God took that chaos, confusion, and made*
order in everything.
The*atheist*has questions,
The believer has faith.
We draw closer to him, when we see his wonders, and thank him for all he has created. There is an answer to every question, in Science, because the fact is
there is order in it, and in everything, that has been created by our God.
We've been given a mind, that is creative, but also objective to the things that are not understood, because they are supernatural.
I thank him, because he has made us in his image, a healthy mind, will be*inquisitive*,not intrusive of how things perform, and it is given to us, the ability to be wanting to give, from ourselves, contribute to society, and the world, in*studying, learning, and finding answers.
Science is just a name, of many compartments in it, Chemistry, Physics,*Astronomy, many others, it is God's signature.
To those who believe in him, we find, order,*
to those who don't believe in him,
find a big black hole, an empty space, void of faith, that makes the world look
the same,
it's no longer, mind over matter,*
it's arrogance over pride,*
some just have not found that these things
are just the same, and trying to go to the next realm, which is missing the step of faith, and falling, into foolishness.
(Pride cometh before a fall.)
bible verse.
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