The drum work was pretty tight on Immune though.
What bothers me about SE is every single time I think I'm going to get an opportunity to see them live... they cancel the gig.
When Dead Alive came out I was scheduled to see them during the scream the prayer tour... they bailed like three days (okay fine five) before they were going to be where I was going to see them. Becoming the Archetype was there though, so it wasn't a total loss. There were some truly weird kids at that concert, well and truly weird kids...
What bothers me about SE is every single time I think I'm going to get an opportunity to see them live... they cancel the gig.
When Dead Alive came out I was scheduled to see them during the scream the prayer tour... they bailed like three days (okay fine five) before they were going to be where I was going to see them. Becoming the Archetype was there though, so it wasn't a total loss. There were some truly weird kids at that concert, well and truly weird kids...