Atwood Posted:
The parable of the 4 soils says nothing about losing salvation. In fact it says nothing about a Savior saving. You are stuck in your unbiblical rut. Apostasy is explained in 1 John 2 as proving that persons were never part of the body of Christ, or they would have remained with the Body.
The parable of the soils is NOT about salvation, but about one's relationship with Christ, in attaining eternal life. You are swatting at flies with your pontification that is not even relevant to your topic. How come you don't even understand the topic? How would you even know if it is scriptural or not when you cannot even differentiate between salvation and eternal life?
And your definition for apostacy needs to be corrected as well. It may fit your theory, but it is meaningless when one changes it meaning. Check your dictionary as well.
Cassian, you are the one confused, if not trying to confuse.
Salvation is not something that all men get.
Point out where I am confused. On the other hand here is where yoiu are very confused. Christ saved the world, which is why He is called the Savior of the world. John 4:42. Christ became man, Incarnate to defeat death. Heb 2:14, Heb 2:9, II Tim 1:10, and that death of Gen 3:19, Rom 5:12 was corrected in vs 18, LIFE given to all men. That life was a gift, vs 15 to all men. I Cor 15:12-22 also states unequivocally that Christ granted life to all men. He defeated death. I know you do not believe this, from your earlier dismissals of Scripture and of the salvific content of the Incarnation. We know all men were given life because all men will be raised in the last day. John 6:39, Rev 20:13, Acts 24:15.
I understand that because either your confusion, or just ignorance you do not understand the difference between salvation, what Christ did for all mankind, for the reason that God could call all men to repentance, so that all men could have the same opportunity to choose for Christ or against Christ.
Your man made theories of Original Sin, OSAS, and Satisfaction theory all deny what scripture actually teaches, regarding the purpose of man's very existence, the fall, Christ redemption from the fall, and God restoring the union for which man was created to have with Him freely and in love and obedience.
Your theory of OSAS is a direct denial of everything above which is why it has always been false and has never been a meaning of scripture. It is why you cannot find any evidence in scripture for it, but only in the system that Calvin developed 1500 years after the Gospel was given.
Paul was asked, Sirs what must I do to be saved?
Paul did not say, "Man you are already saved."
He did not need to at that point. Paul could not have told Him how to be IN Christ unless Christ first had saved the world from permanent death, which you consistantly overlook, dismiss, or reject outright. But I'm sure Paul told him about how Christ saved us from death and sin.
Paul said, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved."
The same condition applies to eternal life (John 3:16).
"You shall be saved" implies the Philippian jailer was not saved already.
actually he was, or Paul could not tell him his faith saved him. Read I Cor 15:12-22 with emphasis on vs 17 where it states that faith would be in vain if Christ did not raise all the dead, give life to our dead mortal bodies.
So Cassian's I-said-it, is wrong.
Salvation includes eternal life.
If it does then you are truly a Universalist since Christ saved everything, man and all material world from death and sin. You have heard of heaven and hell and the New Heaven and New Earth. That is ONLY possible because Christ redeemed the world, II Cor 5:18-19, Rom 3:23-25, Col 1:20. The purpose of reading the Bible is to read it with understanding and comprehension. You actually might learn something if you discard your blinders.
I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish (essence of salvation).
Yes, promise from God and it is irrevocable. But where is man's promise, can man guarantee his faith, is man's faith irrevocable as well? Since you have been unable to show any evidence for this, your theory falls, is false. Man is being saved, attaining eternal life through faith, not Christ alone, nor faith alone, for that matter.
Here is what the Word says,
"Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins."
Yes, He did that and propitiated the sins of the world in fact. I John 2:2.
That does not apply to all men, but to His people. It is obvious that all men are not saved from their sins. They are deep in sin, as Rom 1-3 tells us: there is none who does good, not not one. A terrible list of sins is given.
That is because you do not understand the difference between atonement/propitiation and the jforgiveness of sin.
Christ propitiated the sin of the world. The ONLY way a person can have his sin forgiven is to repent, or confess his sins. Any sin not repented of, or confess is retained and can condemn a person. This is what happens to a lot of believers. They fall back into their former sinful ways, they become lazy, they just choose to forsake their first faith. You have yet to find a text that says a believer, who loses faith will still inherit eternal life. When you can do that, you can have 1 point toward OSAS.
So, instead of refuting what I stated, you just made empty assertions with no further evidence for OSAS. Lot of rhetoric but no substance.