Why can't god kill me. I want to be nothing. Why god did you create me with so much pain. Why couldn't I be aborted. I'm alive right now. 26 years I've been alive and been suffering sense I was given life. Just why god??? No reason, he made me just to suffer thanks god. Please kill me. " Is this wrong?" What is the point of life? I
have no use for it. Can anyone understand that
superdupulous, you pretty much answered the question of the point of life in post #1, with the answer you gave in post #2. We are given life to serve God and be obedient to him. Life is hard, we all suffer with hardship and pain. You're not the only one feeling this way. Please read my thread in the Miscellaneous forum. It is called "Depression: A Ladybug's True Story of Dark vs Light". I'm sure it will help you. My other thread is called "blue ladybugs uterine cancer battle." Please read that also. I hope my battles with depression and cancer will give you some hope and courage to keep going and not give up. God bless.