Tell me? When you are asked to fill out a form, and on the form, they "
ONLY" ask for your first line of your address? Do you give your full address? or do you actually comply to what they are asking? and fill out what they ask?
How is this question related to this game? Ok you twisted my arm to tell you.
I explain it a lot simpler terms for you.
1. When Asked to say a single word. you therefore say = "ONE WORD"
2. When you are asked to say word(S). You notice the little s on the end of word? if not look again, Word(S). That means MORE THAN ONE WORD.
3. Re-read the OP. You noticed he "ONLY" put one word as an example? Perhaps he knew somehow that a few people wouldn't get it or understand the game properly.
4. So lets recap. When you are asked your first name, do you give your full name, or do you comply with the QUESTION and give the answer to the question?
The title says - First word, not FIRST WORD(S), Or first many words that come to mind, It clearly stated, "FIRST WORD" meaning one word that come to your mind.
God bless, thought to help you a little.......