Idk if that's possible, DNA alterations have many severe problems that prevent that from being a feasible option.
Even if we could give ourselves "super powers" it wouldn't be enough to stand against an angel. They're ten times ten thousand times ten thousand times stronger than humans. That's not how it's going to work anyways I don't think, I don't recall anything in the Bible that mentions humans standing up against the Armies of God? Not in the way you described at least.
Again you need to think outsdie the box and free yoruself from the constraints of current knowledge and thinking and think totally on spiritual levels.
One of the main problems we have is that Christians are scared they will be taking "The Mark" unknowingly which results in automatic death sentance and straight to Hell. Reading revelation, we know that in the rule of the Anti-Christ evangelists will still be spreading the news about Gods Grace and Jesus is Lord, people still have that chance to know Christ and save themselves.
If you think the logic through,how is a physical gadget or device, lets say for sake of argument the Chip, going to stop people from accepting Gods Grace how? Why would having a little chip implanted make someone so disgusting and repugnant to Christ that those people will thrown into Hell?
Of course this would be harsh, but it would make more sense if the persons spirit had been changed ,we are spiritual beings after all, just trapped in our physical bodies. We will never be able to make those kind of changes on our own, but with Satan controlling everything, it is very realistic that the False Prophet and the Anti-Christ will tell the world they can have spiritual enlightenment and awakening and will be able to do something to change the genetic make up of our bodies and more importantly totally change the nature of our spirits, making our spirit totally disgusting to God as it will be corrupted beyond recognition as Gods creation.
Jesus said that the end days would be like those days as in the time of Noah, people think this means we just have evil and wicked society and total turn of morals, well yes that is true, but what else did we see in Noah's time? The N word! No not the bad N word, but Nephilim, the heros of old, super human hybrids.
Satan knows he is heavily outnumbered, only a third of angels followed him, changing human population into beings that can fight on equal terms with an angel is the way to go, this mark will enable this to happen. Even today there are a few people who have achieved spiritual awareness, mainly through pursuit of the occult.
I heard of a testimony of a witch who became a high preistess and was involved in some nasty stuff, she said during those days she could see spirtiual things, she knew the homes of Christians walking down the street as they gave off this powerful spiritual engry which was more powerful than anything she knew.
Therefore if people are changed with a spritual mark, rather than a physical, it would make sense these people are going to see the spiritual dimensions and a whole lot more, if humans today are able to achieve this awareness of seeing spiritual aura and are able to identify different auras and see who is a Christian and who isnt, then its not that difficult to see how the whole trading without the mark on a spiritual level will happen.
If a person who has refused to be changed spiritually enters a shop, the owner will be someone who has taken the mark, as the laws will forbid people who have not taken the mark from owning shop etc, the spiritually enlightened owner will automatically see the spirit of the person who has entered and be able to see that this person is still one of Gods original spiritual beings, it will be clear as the colour of someones skin, so instantly it will be "sorry you have not taken the mark you are banned from comming in and buying things from me".
This again will make sense as to why there will be an automatic death sentence to hell for people who have had this corruption made to their spiritual beings.
The lure of accepting an upgrade to achieve spiritual awakening will be irresistible and most will take it willingly. The more I look into this and the more I think this through, the more sense it makes that this will be the Mark of the Best we read about, not a physical mark.