Some people believe an animal has a sixth sense. I know a lady, next door, surprised her cats like my daughter, she says normally they scatter, but they come directly to my daughter... They avoid me... (with good reason, I'm not a fan of cats) My Daughter loves cats and dogs.
Edit: oddly my fish react to some people.... and not others. They move to the corner of the tank nearest people when some people go by but not others. I thought at first it was becasue they were hungry but it might have more to do with the bright or dark clothes... not sure yet... I do not think my fish can tell who's decent or not LOL
Oh for sure animals have many more than sixth sense. However you gotta keep in mind, for the animal it might be moreso like having a 4th sense that is extra-human while they lack other senses. Often tiems they are more heightened on just the regular senses and lowered on others. Like in the instance of dogs again since they're a good example of a pet, they have a heightened sense of smell. If a human trains a dog well and knows the dog well they can utilize the dog in a manner to say sniff out bombs and identify them.
Lol as for fish, I have had fish as a kid, but we never got the aquarium, always jsut the fishbowl and goldfish but they die off so quick. I like th sea life myself, I would enjoy having fish if I had the proper equipment and having aquariums actually has gotten more popular I noticed among my friends. Always is interesting just cause you can have a lot of variety in one tank. Pretty good low maintenance pet really.
Dogs are okay if trained well I value a dog highly (just never higher than even the lowest human) and a lot of my friends got dogs that are real cool and well trained, but thing with even good dogs is they are somewhat dirty even if they are trained nicely which eh that's a lot of high maintenance and a bit gross.
Heh to be honest though, the one animal that does annoy me, maybe not so much scare me that is a common pet is the Bird. Which is somewhat ironic because in terms of all around wild animals my favorites are birds, ultimately the Eagle Kind.
Cats vs Dogs War is irrelevant when your pet is a Golden Eagle!
The Eagle; Graceful, powerful, intelligent, and hey my cognomen means Eagle!