A Biblical Critique of the Two-fold Theory
of Dispensationalism: The Distinction
between Israel and the Church
Dr Noel Woodbridge
After a brief review of the historical development and essential characteristics of Dispensationalism, this article argues
Dispensationalism’s sharp distinction between Israel and the church represents a serious departure from sound exegetical theology resulting in a distortion of key Biblical doctrines.
What is indisputably, absolutely, and uncompromisingly essential to the Christian religion is its doctrine of salvation… If Dispensationalism has actually departed from the only way of salvation which the Christian religion teaches, then we must say it has departed from Christianity. No matter how many other important truths it proclaims, it cannot be called Christian if it empties Christianity of its essential message. We define a cult as a religion which claims to be Christian while emptying Christianity of that which is essential to it. If Dispensationalism does this, then Dispensationalism is a cult and not a branch of the Christian church. It is as serious as that. It is impossible to exaggerate the gravity of the situation."
- John H. Gerstner, Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth: A Critique of Dispensationalism (Brentwood TN: Wolgemuth & Hyatt, 1991), 150.
In recent years a most dangerous deception known as the "secret rapture" has captivated many foremost ministers and teachers of the popular churches. This heresy is grouped with other pernicious teachings, equally dangerous and deceptive, in what is known as "modern dispensationalism." Many of the so-called Fundamentalist Bible schools sponsor the sevenfold errors of dispensationalism. The chief agency in its promulgation is the Scofield Reference Bible.
Near the beginning of the present century, this new and "strange" doctrine was first brought to America by Malachi Taylor, one of the Plymouth Brethren. Among those cap*tivated by it was Dr. C. I. Scofield, who became its leading exponent. He prepared a new edi*tion of the Bible, and with notes, headings, sub*headings, and summaries, imposed upon the Bible a system of error as subtle and Satanic as any that has ever been invented by the master deceiver. The very fact that these errors are bound together in one volume with the Scrip*tures of truth, may account for the rapidity with which the fire of evil has spread.
These seven dispensations are fittingly labeled as "arbitrary, fanciful, and destitute of Scriptural support." There is no Scriptural men*tion of a dispensation of human conscience dur*ing the period before the flood. Neither is there mention of the reign of human government dur*ing the period from the flood to Abraham. And while promises were made to Abraham, precious promises are likewise made to the children of Abraham, who are the blood-bought of the ages. But the most serious evils are found in the so-called fifth, sixth, and seventh dispensations. Every lover and teacher of truth ought to know the magnitude of these errors and battle against them, using the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. The seven principal errors of the Scofield Reference Bible may be listed as follows :
1. Dispensationalism.
2. Antinomianism.
3. False ideas of the antichrist.
4. The "secret rapture."
5. The return of the Jew to Jerusalem.
6. False teachings in regard to the kingdom.
7. False hope of a second chance.
It is impossible to give an exhaus*tive study of these errors in the Ministry. More complete study was given them in a series of articles in the Review and Herald, starting Nov. 13, 1941. An exposure of the heresy in all its aspects is given by Philip Mauro, noted Fun*damentalist, member of the bar of the United States Supreme Court, in his book, "The Gos*pel of the Kingdom, With an Examination of Modern Dispensationalism."
Scofield devised the timetables utilized by men like Hal Lindsay and Tim LaHaye.Scofield’s notes advocated the “ gap” theory regarding creation. The gap theory refutes God’s statement of His literal six day creation. D.L. Moody was apparently responsible for perpetuating dispensationalism in America, incidentally. In 1890 Scofield began a Bible Correspondence Course which was eventually taken over by Moody Bible institute which spread worldwide the dispensational heresy. Scofield was the head of the Southwestern School of the Bible in Dallas for a while. This was the forerunner of Dallas Theological Seminary. Dispensationalists assert they have special claim to truth.
Foolishly, most people sear their consciences when they hear or read heresy in seminaries. They know what they are reading or hearing is Biblically incorrect, but are afraid to challenge the disseminators of false information.
David Jeremiah blasphemy: Dispensational Heresy
The new doctrine was widely accepted in America, due to popular prophetic meetings such as the Niagara Bible Conferences. C.I. Scofield promulgated dispensational thought in his Scofield Reference Bible. Dispensational Bible institutes by the hundreds have sprung up across the continent – notably Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary. Media evangelists such as Jerry Fallwell, Pat Robertson, Jack Van Impe, and Hal Lindsey popularize dispensational eschatology today. Most likely you have heard these doctrines taught over Christian radio programs, and yes, from your own church’s pulpit, though probably no one defined the theological system as dispensationalism nor the origination as Darby circa 1832.
Dispensationalists view the teaching as a return to Biblical theology, after nearly 1,800 years of darkness. But, since the day Darby began to preach the doctrine, Godly men have opposed. Many books have been published exposing the flaws in the intricate system. Most hack away at the branches, arguing peripheral issues.
We intend to lay the axe to the root of the tree.
‘My brother, I am a constant reader of my Bible, and I soon found that what I was taught to believe (by Darby’s doctrine) did not always agree with what my Bible said. I came to see that I must either part company with John Darby, or my precious Bible, and I chose to cling to my Bible and part from Mr. Darby.’ – George Müeller, a contemporary and one time supporter of Darby quoted by Robert Cameron in his book SCRIPTURAL TRUTH ABOUT THE LORD’S RETURN, pp.146-7
Dispensationalism: A Return to Biblical Theology or Pseudo Christian Cult – Part I by Gospel Plow