Be of good cheer littleChristone, in this world, you will have trials and tribulations, but I have overcome the world.
So, keep on doing what you are doing for Him, worry not about what others think of what you're doing, what they're assuming, if it's taking you from Him, for your prize is Christ Jesus--seeing Him, one day--and, in these times and days now keep seeking Him more an more because more and more is happening to want us to become frustrated and uncaring and not even caring what we are doing because no one cares. But He cares, cast all your cares on Him, your thoughts, your actions even (what you propose to do), because He cares for little ole you, littleChristone. Strum-strum, keep letting others see what you are doing is serving Jesus, bringing sweet 'accoustical' music to His ears. The Lord leads ,all the time, keep up, and, don't worry, when you feel you can't go on, His Love will overshadow you, even carry you when you think its you walking 'all by myself,' milady
There is nothing more assuring for myself than letting God move me, He is the movement of my life, who, in perfect cadence, in perfect beat, in perfect rhythm, in perfect steps gets me where I need to go, like the inside of a watch with all its gears and intricate parts, moving something so small so perfectly.
I must be off, I've watched your posts all as much as I can . LittleChristone, let's you know she loves you all on here, I say that too, but I don't do it in an 'edit' comment like her

God bless you, miChristones. Let His Love rule all that you do, for when we Love others, as Christ first loved us, we are doing His work, being His workmanship, and, we are giving Love to God which is truly what we want to do for that peace and comfort and care-free life that He wants to give us, abundantly